Her Mind told her its wrong,But her heart told her complete opposite ! 🥰

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(Read the authors note at the end)💗

He turned her around & what he saw next was heartbreaking. As a tear escaped her pearl like eyes,her nose was Red,face pale while her eyes showed Pure Sadness. It was clear she had cried a lot. 🥺💔 The only purpose he had was to Protect her & keep her happy but if he couldn't do that then it would only made him feel worthless seeing the sadness presented in her eyes.

Sidharth's POV
Her tears were flowing & every tear made me wanna protect her more. 💔
I was determined to never bring sadness in her life again but I wasn't expecting this. It was worse then before her tears were ripping my heart apart ! Things were so great back yesterday & her ignoring me won't make me feel more guilty about nothing.

End of POV

Shehnaaz's POV
I can see the guilt in hes eyes he's not at fault but i can't be the reason for he's life he needs to understand that if the bond between us not broken right know it'll only get us more attached & that is something I can't let happen it's for he's good. I don't want him dragged in my Sadness.
Shehnaaz you can't fall week now she Repeated in her mind.

End Of POV
Shehnaaz Jerks he's hands away from her arm earning a confusing glare from Sidharth.
Shehnaaz:Don't you dare I really hate your feel & touch it's Fckn uncomfortable. Your so annoying honestly I hate the concern & Possessiveness you show Cos it's all fake alright so Fckn get lost before things get worse she Said this with a loud furious voice & mad expression but deep down only she knew how bad this felt :(( 💔
Sidharth:Look I know there is a reason behind you saying all this. But I'm not leaving ! For real Jstt tell me what's wrong & we will get through it Together! 🥺💗
Shehnaaz:Fckn Fake this is all fake.
Sidharth:Stfu already ! He said in a Furious way Shehnaaz shut her mouth instantly Jstt by he's voice & Red eyes that were reflecting range.
Sidharth: you have no right to be so attached & leave me at a point for no reason ! I'm pretty sure this isn't your selfishness definitely there's a explanation for this.
Shehnaaz:It's for your own Good.(often when people are hurt,they try to push away there close ones Jstt Cos they don't want to drag them into misery) 💔
Sidharth:Do you even know what my happiness lies in huh ? Your not even keen too know :(
After a long pause
Sidharth:Okayy I know there's a reason behind your ignorance but is there anything else bothering you ? Be honest too me tell me what's wrong plss !
Sidharth pulled shehnaaz into a reassuring hug & soon she broke down while she sobbed into He's chest unceasingly,hands clutching at he's Jacket. She looked up from her soggy eyelashes filled with the heaviness of her tears
Shehnaaz went back hurling back into Sidharth's outstretched arms once again.
Brick by brick her walls of hidden pain came tumbling down as she told him what had happened...
Shehnaaz:You know once we use to be a good small family but things are changing it's so hard when the person you looked up to comes crashing down In your view & then you stop looking up to them. ☹️ Little by little things got worse my dad was my hero since the very start :( but now days he doesn't even fit right for being a dad,husband or son he has no respect for anybody. And it's sad seeing my mum & Grandma in pain I can take the insults & swears but when it comes to my mum it hurts very badly. She's always been there for him & all she gets in return is to be treated badly. You know everyday she puts up a big smile but I know how many days she's cried to sleep as well as me ! 🥺I try too stay happy & im happy when I'm with you guys but as soon as I get home it's filled with Hurtful nights,crying yourself too sleep :((
As much as she tried to hide it in,the pain came out like an uproar from her throat in a form of a silent scream as witness of her family problems.
It was like Sidharth could feel her pain even without that experience. Sidharth had always seen this pain carried deep in her eyes. The Mystery Of the untold depths that lies in her eyes are finally revealed but he never knew she went through so much & he felt twice as much guilty for not finding out earlier.
He cupped her face in he's big palms & wiped the tears with he's thumb ! He Looked deep in her eyes as the only thing he was said Don't Worry You got me & I got you ! The wording was small but had very big meanings. (What he meant is that don't worry I'll be there for yhuu & I gotchu & you've got me to share the pain with)
There was this assurance in he's words that calm down the storm within her !
In a while Shefali had came when shehnaaz realised her presence she thought to get away from Sidharth but didn't let go.

Shehnaaz's POV
I don't want shefali to feel bad but then he's my Bestfrr as well & she should understand that !! Plus I can't keep pulling & pushing sidharth away from me it Jstt wouldn't be right,it would hurt him & I can't hurt him anymore especially when he understood me & has been there for me ! 🥺💗 Even after me being so rude & hurting him.
I know it's wrong but it feels more then right !

End of POV

Her train of thoughts is broken when...
Shefali:Whats wrong ?☹️
Sidharth:Nothing Jstt cuddling he joked jst for the next adorable reaction by shehnaaz. 🥰
She punched Sidharth while lightly pouting cutely !!
Sidharth adored her reaction & gave her the cute look! 👀 🥰which was noticed by shefali she smiled lightly at this :))
The dayy went by with Sidharth trying to distract her from her family problems & keep her as happy as possible ! (Everybody deserves a friend like this or a admirer like this,but Jstt sometimes we can't keep them for Number of reasons or we don't realise there worth ) !! ☹️❤️
There was always a void in her heart for all theses things & Shehnaaz knew that all this will only make SidNaaz more attached ! 💗
But A part of her heart always told her it's not wrong ! 🥺💗
Sidharth was feeling at peace seeing her smiling but he wasn't ready for what destiny had stored for him tomorrow !!

Do comment down plss & vote :))
&& this chapter was longer from the previous few ! <3
The Story is gonna take a big turn soon there will be a new entry any guesses?
Also sorry for not updating yesterday :)

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