A little broken,A little disheartened & At peace ! 💗

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(Read the authors note at the end)💗
Shehnaaz Was walking with Vikas While shefali had some work to do after school & Mahi & Jay we're hanging out separately from The other 2.
That's when Vikas Spotted Sidharth
Vikas:Sidharth oii
Shehnaaz:Hey 💗
Sidharth:Yeahh ? While completely ignoring Shehnaaz as if she didn't exist.
Shehnaaz felt a pinch in her heart 🥺💔
Vikas:You have nothing to do right now. Until you don't have basketball training you should join us Vikas said with a smile.
Sidharth glanced at shehnaaz & the memories of her calling he's feelings fake came crashing down evacuating he's thoughts !
Sidharth:I'm not keen,but if you wanna hang out jst us without somebody else surely tell me :(
Shehnaaz had tears in her eyes & as soon as Sidharth saw that he regretted he's words 💔
Shehnaaz:You's can hang out I'm gonna go.
& Shehnaaz left... Sidharth felt bad but she had judged him & he's feelings & that completely broke him through words 💔
Vikas:Prettyyy rude ☹️
Sidharth:Right like she cares ☹️
Vikas:I'm sure she's crying somewhere I'm gonna go find her thanks for breaking her heart...
Sidharth:So if she does then it's okay ? Even I get hurt !!
Next dayy
They had all decided to meet up at break time. Everyone was present there & Sidnazz barely talked but kept stealing glances at each other.
While Shehnaaz was talking to Vikas about the most random things That's when a Girl with a high curly pony tail beautiful featured Stunning face Came & Hugged Sidharth. Sidharth had returned the hug with a smile on he's face which somehow made Shehnaaz Sadd while she was still figuring out why ? her eyes started to water up & that didn't go unnoticed but Sidharth she quietly left without anyone realising except Sidharth at first he felt Bad For making her cry but at the same time he was glad that she had felt the way he has since he had met her.
Shehnaaz Walked & sat in the corner of the field while crying out her eyes Sidharth Had Followed her seeing her in that state he's heart arched ! 💔
He sat down next to shehnaaz while they looked everywhere except at each other ! ☹️♥️
Sidharth turned himself so he was facing her & cupped her Cheeks with both of he's hands & made her look at him. Though shehnaaz was mad & it was wrong Cos shefali has crush on him but it felt so right.
Sidharth:Shehnaaz somethings are very difficult to understand but just because you don't realise yourself doesn't mean others won't.
Shehnaaz:What are you on about ? look I seriously don't care alright ?
Sidharth:When did I say you cared ? Obviously you don't care or you'd give a thought to my side of feelings that you declared fake within seconds :((
Shehnaaz:I'm sorry for that but I don't feel the same way or anything she replied with her eyes moist.
Sidharth:With More of a serious & loud voice Then why is it a big deal if I hug somebody else & don't deny this and what about when I talk to somebody else your eyes get moist why is that ?
As soon as she looked into he's eyes she found this willingness & Determination full of Love Filled eyes.
That was it she pulled Sidharth into a hug & As soon he realised he smiled as tears Fell down from her eyes. He gave a reassuring smile & At the moment she felt nothing but protected. There was a different amount of peace in he's Arms.
They stayed like that for a good 30 minutes when shehnaaz got up & said I need to leave now she smiled at Sidharth & gave him a over the shoulder hug from the side which made there cheeks touch & left leaving a Smiling sidharth at the Back. 💗

Sorry for another short chapter compared to the first few but yeahh Hope you's like it do comment down ! & keep thinking what's next ? And also do follow niopppp she's the one who will be helping me with this story my really Good friend who's more like sister ! 💘

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