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Bradley sat back on the couch and closed his eyes. His head was thrown back against one of the large pillows and his arms were on either side of his limp body. Bree and Lukas didn't take it well when Stefani left and putting them to bed had been harder than ever lately. They'd just cry themselves to sleep at this point.

Anna also stopped trying to call Stefani and went back to her old self. 'If turning into a superstar means that I'll become like Stefani then I don't want to be a star anymore.' She'd told him before she locked herself into her room and didn't come out for hours. The fact that Stefani really didn't seem to be able to make time for her like she'd initially promised took a toll on the 13 year old and left her heartbroken. She was in the middle of puberty after all.

Bradley really tried as hard as he could to reach out to Stefani. He left calls, texted her, sent her letters even, just to not hear back from her. It hurt, but he'd expected it. When they met, that's who she was after all. She was rude, didn't communicate with him or the kids, hid away in her room as often as possible. She ran away from her feelings. She was absolutely nerve wrecking and annoying and he hated her attitude and behavior. He knew she'd go back to her old self as soon as she went back to her normal day to day life.

"You look absolutely gross." Dax said, nudging Bradley's leg so he'd make space for him on the couch. Bradley didn't want to admit that he needed help with the kids but Dax was his best friend and sensed how stressed he was, so he naturally stopped by to help out whenever he could. They'd been best friends for years, more like brothers actually. Dax was married, had a kid on his own and owned a diner in town. He had his life together and figured out, unlike Bradley. He only had the kids and himself now.

When Stefani came into his life he thought he'd have another shot at love, after his last relationship failed miserably. He thought she could be the one because she truly seemed to love him as much as he loved her but now he doubted anything she told him was even real. Maybe she really did just put on an act to get back to her normal life as fast as possible. If that was the case though, then Bradley didn't know her at all. Could she really be this cruel?

"Thank you." Bradley mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Dax chuckled and then eyed him again. "Have you heard from her?"

Bradley shook his head, opening his eyes again to look up at the ceiling. "No." He shrugged to make it seem like he didn't care about it that much, but Dax could read him like an open book.

"Maybe she's just very busy." Dax tried to reason.

Bradley chuckled and shrugged. "It's been months, Dax." He paused. "I mean, she told me she wouldn't come back. I was just stupid enough to believe that we had something special and that she felt it too. I thought she'd fight for it."

Dax let out a sigh. "Do you remember how fucking long it took for Kristen and I to get together? Yes, four whole years!" He laughed. "And look where we are now! If it's meant to be, then you'll find a way back to each other." He smiled when his best friend looked at him through tired eyes. "And I have a feeling she'll come around soon. It's probably not as easy for her as you think it is."

Bradley groaned and closed his eyes again.


"Hello?" Anna grumbled into her phone.

"Anna? It's me, Stefani." Stefani nervously said, chewing on some skin of her bottom lip. She expected Anna to hang up immediately and when she didn't she let out a sigh of relief.

Anna sat up on her bed and hesitated. "Stefani? I called you about a million times." She gasped. She initially wanted to be mad at her, yell at her or just hang up again, but the second she heard her voice, she changed her mind. She'd missed her too much.

"I know and I'm so sorry, Anna. I was just super busy and I honestly missed you too much. I couldn't call, I hope you understand." She sighed into the phone, closing her eyes. Anna was a smart girl and quickly caught on to what Stefani meant, much to her relief.

Anna smiled and nodded even though she knew Stefani couldn't see her. "How are you? Why are you calling? Is everything alright?" She rambled excitedly.

"I am okay, what about you? How's everyone?" She hesitated. "How is Bradley?"

Anna smirked. "Oh, so that's why you're calling." She teased.

Stefani blushed. "Not true! I wanted to talk to you!" She quickly said.

Anna rolled her eyes, falling back into her soft bedsheets. "Sure, Janet." She giggled. "Bradley has been weird since you left, but everyone is weird." She shrugged. "Lukas and Bree won't sleep through the night anymore, Valerie keeps playing your music, Hannah started wearing eyeliner all of a sudden, I don't know what's up with her! And Bradley doesn't look like he's getting much sleep. I also don't think he showered and it's been a week. I won't let him hug me anymore." She joked.

Stefani smiled sadly. "And what about you?" Hearing how unwell everyone was without her there hurt but it also gave her hope. Hope that maybe they could make it work and all of her doubts were unreasonable.

"Oh, I didn't sing since you left. I don't know, feels wrong without you here. It's not as fun." She confessed.

Stefani gasped. "You have to continue singing! You're so good, Anna! Don't give up on your dream just because I'm not there anymore. I also told my manager about you." She said.

Anna's face lit up in excitement. "Your Manager?! Like, someone who can make me famous?"

Stefani giggled. "Technically, yes. I could arrange something with him and maybe you can perform with me at one of my concerts soon." She paused to hear Anna squeal and jump up and down on her bed in excitement. "But only if you promise me to keep practicing!" She said.

Anna nodded and screamed. "Of course! I promise! That's so exciting! I have to tell Bradley!"

"No! I mean, I want to talk to him first. Can you keep this phone call a secret for a while? Just until I talked to him." Stefani begged.

"Okay, I will. I miss you!" Anna said.

Stefani smiled and tried to keep the tears out of her eyes. She'd been way more emotional than usual lately and she hated it. "I miss you too. Look, I have to go now, but I'll call you again."

"Okay! Bye." Anna said, hanging up first.


"And? How did it go?" Cynthia asked her daughter once she hung up the phone.

Stefani smiled. "I think she doesn't hate me."

"I told you she wouldn't! Everything will be alright, Loopy." She kissed her head, running her fingers through her hair to comfort her as they both looked down at the pregnancy test that Stefani held onto.

"It's positive, mom." She whispered, tracing the prominent red lines on it. "I'm really pregnant."

"I know, baby." She smiled. "I know."

"Do you think he'll want this baby? With me? Do you think I'll be a good mom?" Stefani asked.

Stefani wasn't insecure, she knew what she was capable of and worked hard for her dreams and achievements, yet this new chapter of her life that was about to start scared her immensely. It was something she couldn't quite control and it wasn't planned. Cynthia hadn't seen her this insecure before.

"I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother, baby. And Bradley? He'd be nuts not to want this baby with you. I'll also break his legs if he hurts you and he doesn't want to mess with me!" Cynthia flexed her non existent muscles, making Stefani laugh.

"Thank you, mom." She hugged her mother, closing her eyes at how safe she felt.


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