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"Bradley, what the fuck are you doing here at..." she groaned and looked at her watch. "3 in the morning? Are you out of your mind?" Gloria opened the door wider for her son and let him come in. "God, it's freezing outside."

"Mom, I fucked up big time." He said, ignoring her previous statements.

Gloria raised an eyebrow at him and waited until they were both on the couch. "I haven't seen you in three months, you haven't called back and now you're here for advice without even apologizing?" She asked, sighing.

Bradley rubbed his temples and nodded. "I'm sorry. It's been a rough few months and-"

"Darling, you're my son. I love you very much, but if you don't get to the point I'll kick you out. I need my beauty sleep." She joked.

Bradley hugged his mom tightly, taking in her scent and the way she felt warm and safe. "Promise not to freak out." He mumbled.

"You're scaring me. Did you rob a bank?" She asked, pushing him away so she could get a good look at him.

"No, but I met this woman." He started, making his mom smirk.

"Aha! A woman. What's her name? What does she do? Is she cute? How did you fuck it up?" She asked, making him chuckle at his moms eagerness to get some more information on Stefani.

"Her name is Stefani, she's actually Lady Gaga and very very beautiful and also very pregnant with my baby and I fucked it all up." He said.

Gloria nodded and Bradley watched her eyes widen when she finally realized what he'd said. "Pregnant? You're having a baby? And you didn't tell me the second you found out?! Bradley Charles Cooper, I'm going to murder you!" She slapped his arm several times, making him groan and try and stop her.

"Mom! I'm sorry!" He whined, laughing a little when she calmed down and excitedly jumped up and down on the couch, making him bounce a little as well.

"I'm going to be a grandma, god I'm old. See, this is why I need my beauty sleep!" She paused. "Now tell me why you think you fucked it up."


"Gaga, stop." Sarah rolled her eyes at her friend who cleaned out her closet. The entire room was a mess with clothes and shoes everywhere.

"I don't fit into any of these fucking clothes anymore! I'm literally a whale!" She said, throwing another shirt on the bed.

Sarah laughed and shook her head. "You're six months pregnant, not fat. I'd be highly concerned if your stomach didn't get bigger." She said.

Gaga ignored her and roamed around the closet before she started crying out of nowhere. Stupid hormones.

"Hey, come here and sit down." Sarah demanded, wrapping her arms around Gaga when she was next to her on the bed. "You can't keep ignoring his calls, babe." She said.

Gaga groaned and nodded. "I know. But he ignored me first, then I started to ignore him and now we're both ignoring each other because I have no idea what to do or say to him anymore. I don't know what's going on with me and my hormones and I don't want him to see me look like this. I'm a mess, Sarah." She cried.

Sarah giggled and wiped her tears away. "Which is why we are going to fix this. New clothes that fit, some cute shoes to match, a new hair color because the blonde has been growing out for way too long and you're going to feel much better, I promise. You've got that pregnancy glow and you look beautiful, Gaga. There's no need to hide it." She assured her with a smile.

"Okay. I think you're right. It's time to fix my appearance and I have to talk to him eventually. And I have to do it in person, not over the phone."


"You've left your pregnant girlfriend behind?! Are you crazy?! Bradley, she's fucking pregnant! Of course she's going to be difficult and you didn't call her back and it probably upset her so you should've flown down to see her immediately!" Gloria pulled on her hair. "How long has it been since you saw her?"

Bradley groaned and already hid behind his hands. "About three months."

Glorias eyes widened in shock. "This is not how I raised you, for gods sake! How far along is she now? How didn't you tell me she was pregnant for this long?!" She complained.

"She should be six months pregnant now." He said and sighed, realizing that he indeed fucked up.

"Six months?!" Gloria freaked out again. "Bloody hell!"

"I couldn't talk to her and didn't answer her calls and then I tried to call her and she didn't take my calls and now it's just silent between us and I hate it because I love her, mom. She's carrying my child!" He wiped over his face. "I'm just not good at this whole relationship thing and neither is she. We're both assholes and stubborn and it makes it more difficult than it has to be."

"It's never too late to apologize, Bradley. If you truly love her then you have to fight for her, no matter how difficult you think it is and will be. She's pregnant and probably scared and alone with it. You should be with her right this second and hold her hand. She deserves to be loved and taken care of while she's going through this, yet here you are crying about it! Move your ass over there and talk to her, right now." She demanded.

"Now? Mom, it's 4am and I can't make Dax look after the kids for-"

"I'll take care of the kids. You go see your girl and take care of her, for gods sake! Go!" She rolled her eyes and pushed him to leave. "And I better meet her soon or I'll make sure you're paying for it." She warned him, making him chuckle.

"I love you mom." He said, kissed her forehead and left for the airport. His mom was right, he had to see her and it had to be now.

Cooper's Children's Home - New Beginnings // BradGa Where stories live. Discover now