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"Bradley!" Stefani yelled, shaking the little bell she held between her fingers so it rang loudly.

After he'd apologized that night, she decided to torture him a bit for being more than an asshole; it was what he deserved after all. So, Sarah got her a bell (she was in on the plan, just like Bobby who had the idea in the first place) and she'd been ringing it at least 80 times a day ever since, asking Bradley to do stuff for her such as bring her ice cream, make her dinner, run to the store for food she craved, massage her back. Anything she could come up with.

She knew he'd love to complain but so far, he'd done anything she'd asked for without questioning her intentions once. He surely deserved a little treat, did he?

Stefani was sat on the bed, wearing nothing but his favorite lingerie of hers and caressed her baby bump, when he made his way into her bedroom. She smiled at the gasp he let out at the sight of his girlfriend in front of him.

Bradley didn't think he could fall in love with her any more than he already did, but this pregnancy looked incredible on her. She was glowing, beautiful, absolutely flawless. Her baby bump had grown immensely and he loved every single curve on her body, even when she felt insecure sometimes.

"Hey baby." She said, biting down on her bottom lip, while she curled her finger to call him over to her. When he was stood in front of her, she spread her legs a little and pulled him closer.

"What do you need, princess?" He asked, pressing a soft kiss on the top of her head, gently caressing her shoulders with his fingertips.

"You." She said, looking up at him, with that loving glint in her eyes. They hadn't been intimate ever since their three month silence and she was even hornier now that her hormones went crazy. Even while she was mad at him, she'd gotten off to the image of him inside of her head.

Bradley smiled and helped her lay down on the bed and leaned over her bump, kissing her softly. His hands both rested on her stomach and he gently traced her skin with his thumbs.

Stefani was comfortably sprawled out on the mattress, her head secured on the soft pillow. She laced her fingers with his on her stomach and smiled. "Can you believe I'm six months along? I only have three more months to go." She said, gently guiding their fingers along her skin.

"And you're still as beautiful as ever." He placed another kiss onto her lips and slid out of his shirt and pants while she waited for him. "Even more beautiful, if that's even possible." He complimented her.

She blushed and hid her face behind her hands with a giggle. "Liar. I'm freaking huge! I can't even see my own feet anymore." She complained.

Bradley laughed and peeled her hands away from her face. "I'm not lying, baby. I love you." He said and then kissed her stomach once, grinning up at her before he disappeared between her legs.

She closed her eyes with a smile and let out soft moans while he pleasured her for the first time in three months. She knew she wouldn't be able to last very long and didn't hold back when she came undone, breathing heavily at the feeling.

Bradley moved onto his knees in front of her and spread her legs with his hands, making sure she was still comfortable when he entered her body. They both moaned in sync and Stefani relaxed inside of the pillows. Bradley grabbed for her hands, intertwined their fingers and held onto them while he slowly rocked in and out of her, expertly hitting all the right spots.

Stefani let out quiet whimpers and cries at the feeling of his body so close to hers again and found his blue eyes looking back into hers while they made love.
It felt more real this time, as if this really was it. This was where they were supposed to be in that exact moment, with each other and nothing and no one could tear them apart. "I'm close." She whispered, throwing her head back.

Bradley let go of one of her hands to gently rub her clit with his thumb and it didn't take long for her to come undone. Bradley followed, spilling into her while she still rode her orgasm out, moaning and writhing underneath him.


"You're absolutely stunning." Bradley whispered at the beauty in front of him who obviously just pretended to be asleep, while he softly caressed her cheek

She smiled and opened her eyes. "Good morning."

"Good morning, princess. Slept well?" He asked, placing a kiss on the tip of her nose, making her scrunch up her face adorably.

She giggled and nodded. "Really well." She suddenly gasped, making Bradley sit up in worry.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked.

She simply smiled and then took his hand in hers, pressing it down onto her stomach. "Can you feel that? Our baby is kicking." She grinned up at him.

His face relaxed immediately and he felt tears prick in his eyes at the feeling of their baby moving inside of her. He'd never felt anything as good as that feeling. Nothing would ever be able to compare to it. "God, I love you." He laid back down next to her, not taking his hand off of her stomach again as he found her lips and then buried his face into the crook of her neck, breathing in her vanilla scent.

Stefani gently ran her fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp while they drifted off into sleep again, their hands on top of her stomach.

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