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"You're what? Pregnant?" He asked with wide eyes, blinking wildly to shake himself out of the state of shock he previously was in. "With a baby?"

Stefani groaned and placed her hands over her face to hide away from his looks. "Of course with a baby, Bradley!"

He let out a heavy breath before a smile took over his face. He gently pushed her hands out of her face so he could lock eyes with her. He could barely believe that she really was pregnant with his child, but he was also extremely excited once he allowed the thought of it to consume his mind. "Why are you crying, baby?" He asked, making her stomach flutter at the nickname that she missed hearing.

"I'm scared. My job is not exactly normal and once I start showing everyone will know. I'm just not sure if I'm ready for a baby, Bradley." She sighed, letting him wipe a tear off of her cheek before he grabbed her chin in his palm and finally pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

"Listen to me, okay?" He asked. She nodded before he continued speaking. "You'll never be ready for a baby. I work with kids, live with them, but every day is different and it was extremely overwhelming in the beginning but you get the hang of it one day. You're wonderful, Stef. You'll be an amazing mom and I'll walk every step of this journey with you, if you let me and want me." He said, never taking his eyes off of hers.

She closed her eyes and gently pressed her forehead against his. Her hands snaked around his neck and she let her fingers run through his hair. "Of course I want you with me. I love you." She whispered, meeting his eyes again. "I'm just scared, that's all." She shrugged.

"I love you too, baby. I'm scared too, but we'll make it work." He rubbed her hips with his thumbs, pulling her closer to his body. "I promise, it'll be okay."

"I love you so much." She smiled and let him kiss her again, both of them getting lost in it immediately. He missed her taste, her body on his, her fingers and hands on his neck and in his hair.

She loved how soft his lips felt against hers, despite the beard he was growing and how he had a firm grip on her hips and the way he tasted. She loved him with every fiber of her being and even though she was scared, didn't know what the future would bring, she already loved their little baby.

"I'm not trying to ruin your extremely adorable moment, but I'd like to meet the man that planted his seeds inside of my daughter." Cynthia remarked.

Stefani quickly pulled away from him and whined at her mothers use of words. "Mom, oh my god." She said with wide eyes.

Bradley chuckled and got up to shake Cynthia's hand once Stefani got off of his lap. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Germanotta. I'm Bradley Cooper." He introduced himself to her, the charming smile making even her mother swoon. She could definitely see why her daughter fell in love with this handsome man.

Cynthia smiled and nodded. "Call me Cynthia, you're a part of the family now after all."

Stefani smiled at the interaction and gasped when the front door opened again. Oh no.

"Mom, I'm ho- oh my god, is this the hottie that got you preggo, sis?" Natali grinned up at a confused Bradley. "Nice."

Stefani groaned. "Bradley, this is Natali. My little and very inappropriate sister."

Natali rolled her eyes. "Oh shush! I'm not the pregnant one!" She teased. "Even though I wish I was." She wiggled her brows at Bradley, making him chuckle.

"It's nice to meet you, Natali." He shook her hand as well.

"Very nice indeed." She laughed.

Cynthia glared at her younger daughter and pulled her away from Bradley who found the whole situation way more amusing than Stefani did. "Natali why don't we give them a bit of space. How does dinner sound?" She offered to the pair.

"Sounds lovely. Thank you." Bradley sweetly said, having Cynthia wrapped around his finger already. The mother grabbed her black haired daughter and dragged her along into the kitchen, while she complained about just having gotten home.

Stefani groaned and ran a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry about that. They're crazy." She shrugged.

"I thought they were lovely." He grinned at her and wrapped his arms around her waist, letting her rest her head against his chest as they held each other. He'd missed her terribly, just as much as she had missed him. "A baby." He mumbled, kissing her head. "We're actually having a tiny human being."

Stefani closed her eyes and nodded. She placed her chin on his chest and looked up at him, smiling when he kissed her nose. "There's something you don't know." She sighed.

Bradley raised an eyebrow at her. "What?"

"I'm sick. I mean, not the way you think I am." She paused. "I have fibromyalgia, which is a chronic pain disease. It's extremely painful and I occasionally have flare ups that cause my whole body to go into full body spasms and I'm scared it'll affect me badly during the pregnancy." She confessed.

He nodded and rubbed her back with his thumb. "Are you okay now?" He immediately worried.

She felt her stomach warming at his immediate worry and nodded. "I'm okay." She giggled. "I'm just scared that I won't be okay once I get bigger and the baby develops inside of me."

Bradley let out a breath of relief once he knew she wasn't in pain now and kissed her softly. "I will take you to every single doctors appointment and they'll make sure to check up on you and if they miss something I'll be there to complain thoroughly." He stated, making her laugh and nod.

"I hoped you would." She teased. "You seem like the type of man to cause a scene with your pregnant wife behind you." She joked, their eyes widening once they realized what she'd said.

"Wife?" Bradley asked with wide eyes.

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