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Five year old Angel crossed her arms in front of her chest with a pout on her adorable face. It was crazy how much she resembled Bradley. "Faith bit me!" She complained.

Bradley chuckled and tickled his daughters side, making her giggle and squirm away from him. "Faith doesn't even have any teeth yet." He teased.

"It still hurt, daddy!" She dramatically explained, forcing tears to spring into her eyes. If she didn't turn out to be an amazing actress then Bradley had no idea what else she could be.

He opened his arms for her and smiled when she immediately cuddled into him.

"Why are you cuddling without me? Don't you think I'll feel left out here!" Stefani complained, smiling at the sight of her husband and daughter. She cradled their newborn in her arms and groaned when the four year old boy bumped into her leg, making her tumble a bit at the impact. "Adam, how many times do I have to tell you not to run around the house?" She complained but the toddler ignored her and jumped onto the couch to occupy Bradley's free side.

"He's basically the exact same replica of you, Lady Gaga." Bradley chuckled. "It's therefore your fault he's this active." He ruffled through Adam's brown hair and laughed when Stefani rolled her eyes and handed him the third baby.

"Okay, mister 'I have the good genes'. How about you take Faith to bed and I'll take a bath?" She asked.

"How is it fair that you get to relax and I have to put the baby down?" He complained, already on his way.

"It's your fault we even have that many kids and I had to force my body through giving birth to all of them!" Stefani laughed, pushing him into Faiths room. "And you love me." She shrugged.

"You're very lucky that's true." He grumbled, letting her press a kiss onto his lips. "Go and get naked, I'll take a peek in between watching Paw Patrol with the kids." He slapped her butt as she walked away, making her laugh.


"I don't fucking know how to solve third grade math problems." Bradley groaned, tugging at his hair in frustration.

Stefani laughed and peeked over his shoulder while drying one of the dinner plates. "It's 45." She shrugged.

"Shut up, smartass." He pointed the pencil at her with a glare. "You don't get to be good at everything."

"I do because I'm your wife and you love me too much." She teased.

Eight year old Angel wrote down a few numbers on her maths homework and showed them to her mom instead of her dad who clearly had given up at that point.

"You're so smart!" Stefani complimented her, giving her a high five when the homework was completed and Angel grinned widely, shoving the supplies back into her blue backpack and running off to play with her brother, who was in the living room.

Bradley fed Faith who was happily playing with her fathers shirt.


Stefani admired one of the family pictures that was nicely placed on a wooden bedside table and smiled when Bradley's arms snuck around her from behind, his breath hitting her neck.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, gently rubbing her sides before he intertwined their fingers. It was definitely his favorite thing; getting to hold her like that. He couldn't believe how perfect she felt inside of his arms.

"I don't know. Nothing in particular, I guess." She paused to turn around in his arms. "I'm just coming out with a new album soon, the kids are so grown up already, we've been married for over seven years now and it's crazy to me that this is my life. I never thought I'd be this happy." She confessed, her hands resting on his chest.

Bradley placed a soft kiss on her lips, smiling widely once they pulled away. "Remember when you threw that plate at me when we got into a fight over who'd watch Angel that night because we didn't have the parent life figured out yet?" He chuckled, letting his hands wander down her back.

Stefani laughed and rolled her eyes. "I sure do. Remember when you let the entire fucking cake fall on top of my mom during Angels first birthday party? You can be lucky she loves you so much."

Bradley blushed a little and hid his face in the crook of her neck. "Damn, I can't believe it's been so long either." He smiled at her. "What's even crazier is that nothing's really changed between us. I still love you the same, even after all of these years. It feels like the first time I kissed you, held you, told you I loved you; every time I tell you."

Stefani hugged him tightly, swooning in his embrace. "I love you, Mr. Cooper." She giggled adorably when he left a kiss on the tip of her nose.

"I love you more, Mrs. Cooper." He grinned, picking her up in his arms and throwing himself on the bed, letting her fall on top of him.


Many years, theater performances, family dinners, birthdays and graduations later Stefani and Bradley could finally hold their very first grandchild in their arms.

Jessica Joanne Cooper looked too much like her grandma and they had no idea yet, how similar their personalities would turn out to be. She'd give them a hard time and many sleepless nights but Angel loved her little baby more than anything in the world. She finally understood the love her parents had for her.

Adam flew right back from Oxford to hold his niece and Faith almost threw the drumsticks at one of her band mates out of pure joy.

The family didn't come together like this very often anymore, but Stefani and Bradley cherished this little moment with their beautiful family more than anything.

Faith had dyed her hair a different color and there was a new piercing on her face, Adam looked so much like his father when he was his age and Angel told them that she was going to get married soon as well. Her husband, Daniel, was a very good man. He had a good job, treated their daughter right and gave them the sweetest little baby they could imagine.

And Bradley and Stefani? Once their children all moved out to pursue their own dreams they got a dog. His name was Charlie and he brought them back to life. They'd take walks with him, play outside in the backyard. He made them younger again.

As for their love, it hadn't changed. They still teased each other, gave each other a hard time but they also knew they couldn't live without the other anymore. Their love was unbreakable, unconditional.

Their love was for forever.

This is the official end, no turn backs. I absolutely love this little book and their stories. I'm glad you all seemed to like it as well! I'm already working on a new book, very different from this one but also worth a read ;)

I'll let you know once it's up! In the meantime: leave me suggestions on what you'd like to read about! :)

Stay safe and kind <3

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