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"Oh my god, stop calling me every two minutes! I'm pregnant, not dying." Stefani laughed into the phone with a roll of her eyes.

"I know. I'm sorry, baby. I just hate that you're so far away and I can't be with you." Bradley sighed. All he wanted was to be with her and their baby at all times and it bothered him that she had to travel and keep working so hard while he couldn't join her since he had kids to look after as well after all.

Stefani knew how hard this was for him. They hadn't really spoken much about their feelings or fears attached to her pregnancy, but if being away from Anna and the rest of the kids that weren't even her own was this hard already, she could only imagine how hard being away from herself must be while she was carrying his child.

He was worried. He knew she was working and how stressful and sometimes even dangerous her job could get. He just didn't want her to put herself and their baby in danger.

"I promise I'm taking good care of myself and so is my team. Sarah basically chased me down with a water bottle all day so I would remember to drink enough and Bobby got me lunch and made sure I got my vitamins as well. I take more breaks to relax in between and I haven't been sick in a week." She explained, which made Bradley calm down a bit. He knew she was in safe hands after all.

"Okay. I trust you. I hope you know that. I'm just worried, that's all." He mumbled, feeding Lukas a spoonful of applesauce.

"I know, baby. I'll be home soon. Don't worry." She smiled, sticking her tongue out at Sarah and Frederic who blew her kisses and made kissing sounds to tease her.

"'Tefi?" Lukas asked with wide eyes and a mouth full of food, his little finger pointing at the phone.

Bradley nodded and chuckled. "Hold on, I think someone wants to say hello." He said before holding the phone out to Lukas who stared at it before he grinned widely.

"Hewwo 'Tefi!" He said into the phone, jumping up and down on his chair in excitement.

Stefani giggled and unknowingly sat up more straight in excitement as well. "Hey Lukas! I miss you, little man. How are you?" She asked in her baby voice. It made Bradley fall in love with her even more. She was adorable.

"Fine! We miss you!" He pouted.

"I'll be with all of you very soon, I promise." She said, looking at the time on her phone. "I have to go now, my break is over but hug everyone for me." She said to Bradley.

He nodded. "Will do. I love you." He smiled.

Stefani smiled too. "I love you so much." She answered before they hung up.


"Hey, are you okay?" Sarah asked, rubbing Stefani's back. She'd been throwing up all morning and had to cancel several interviews because there was no way she'd survive any of them without either throwing up on the interviewer, herself or the floor. Maybe even all three of those.

"I feel like I don't even have organs left inside of me. Can you check if they're in the toilet?" She joked, laying her head on the toilet lid.

Sarah giggled and shook her head. "I don't see a liver in there." She paused. "Come on, lets get you back to bed. I'll make you some soup and bring you water." She offered, helping Stefani up, who immediately crawled into bed.

"Sarah? Can you bring me my phone?" She asked, smiling when she nodded. All she wanted was to hear Bradley's voice right now.

Sarah came back, handing her the phone and placing a bottle of water next to her. "Take small sips though, otherwise you'll throw it all back up."

Stefani nodded and thanked her while dialing Bradley's number, pressing the phone to her ear and waiting for him to pick up.

"Hey, baby. I'm super busy right now, but I'll call you back okay?" He quickly said into the phone without letting her speak.

"Oh, okay. I'll talk to you tonight then. I love you." She sighed and waited for him to say something else but frowned when he hung up without even telling her he loved her back.

"Here's your soup. It's microwave soup, so it's not gourmet but it'll do." She shrugged, handing her the bowl. "Everything alright? You seem upset."

"I just called Bradley." She said, twirling the spoon inside of the soup.

"That was a quick call." She raised a brow. They usually were on the phone for hours if you let them. Sometimes before a show while she got ready or while she was taking a bath after a show, sometimes even both times.

"It was. He just said he's busy and that he'll call me tonight and he didn't even tell me he loves me, like he usually always does." She ate a spoonful of soup after blowing on it for a while.

Sarah shrugged. "Maybe he's just stressed right now. You didn't call him for three months, Gaga. I don't think you should be worried."

Stefani nodded and let out a sigh. "Yeah I'll ask him tonight."


"He didn't call yet?" Sarah asked, snapping Stefani out of her trance. She'd been watching tv without really knowing what was going on. All she was focused on was her phone, that didn't ring.

Stefani shook her head and laid down in her bed, cuddling into the bedsheets more.

"You should really sleep. It's almost 2am." Sarah sighed. She hated it when her best friend got this sad and she looked very tired.

"I will." She mumbled, trying to hold back tears. She didn't have a reason to get upset, really. She was the one who pushed him away in the first place and now she was crying in bed over him not calling her once? It wasn't fair but she blamed it on her hormones going crazy at the moment.

Sarah smiled and rushed towards her bed, shutting the door behind herself. "Tim won't mind if I cuddle with my best friend to cheer her up for a bit." She grinned and hopped on the bed, opening her arms for Stefani who giggled and cuddled into her side.

"Thank you for being here for me all the time. Even when I'm an asshole to you." She said, closing her eyes.

"Hey, if it wasn't for you, my life wouldn't be half as amazing. I'll take your bad times with your good." She laughed, closing her own eyes.

"Love you, Sarah." She mumbled, already half asleep.

"Love you too."

Cooper's Children's Home - New Beginnings // BradGa Where stories live. Discover now