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"It's been over a week and he hasn't called yet." Sarah whispered to Frederic while they both watched Stefani run around the set to order everyone around in her demanding voice. "I think she's going crazy." She added.

"Darling, she's always been crazy." Frederic chuckled.

"I know, but the pregnancy hormones and her usual craziness added together? Unbearable." She rolled her eyes. "We have to figure out why Bradley suddenly stopped being up her ass. And get him back into her ass."

"She sure as hell could use something inside of her." Frederic added.


Bradley buried his face in his hands and let out a deep sigh. The past few days were absolute horror to him. The new official in charge of how much money Bradley got for himself and the kids, how big the house would could be and all the other things revolving his future and the kids' future was an absolute asshole. He was constantly on edge, had to fight him every second.

He hadn't even met the man before but Christian Carino definitely wasn't on his good side already.

He just got off the phone with him and things didn't look so good for them: he told him to search for a smaller house otherwise they'd stop paying for it. He had to 'get rid' as Christian liked to say it, of one of those kids or he'd stop paying for their groceries as well and he had to definitely cut down on his own needs as well. It seemed as if Carino hated him and wanted him and the kids gone for some reason.

He hadn't had the chance to call Stefani back the whole week and he felt terrible about it. He missed her but he also didn't want to drag her into this mess. He needed to handle it himself and he knew he'd tell her about it the second she'd ask because he couldn't keep a secret to save his life. Especially not from her. And he knew she'd try and help him in any way she could, even if it meant extra stress and work for herself. He needed her to take care of herself and to be safe.


"Gaga, sit down!" Bobby demanded in a stern voice at the pacing Popstar.

She frowned and rolled her eyes but sat down on the couch anyway, looking at Bobby who glared at her. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? The question is, what isn't wrong? I get that you're mad at Bradley for not calling you, but that doesn't give you the fucking right to boss all of us around, like we're your damn puppies." He growled.

Stefani glared back at him. "Last time I checked, I am still your boss and I get to boss you around as much as I please."

"You're seriously going back to being a fucking bitch? After all of the improvements you've made?" He asked, clearly fed up with her again.

"I didn't change. Bradley didn't magically cure me or whatever the fuck you think he did. All he did was get me fucking pregnant to then ignore my calls and I'm so done with all of you trying to mold me into someone I am not!" She said, getting louder over time. She quickly jumped up from the couch and threw her arms up. "I wish I would've gotten a fucking abortion as soon as I found out I was pregnant!" She yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the room. She glared at Bobby before she turned around to continue with the shoot. When she noticed everyone's eyes on her she stopped and raised a brow. "Who the fuck told you to stop working? Get back to work or you're fucking fired!" She yelled at them.


Bradley put Bree to sleep last and sighed when he finally plopped down onto his bed. He grabbed his phone and without thinking about it, he dialed her number. He couldn't go another second without hearing her voice.

When Stefani caught sight of her phone screen lighting up she grabbed her phone and looked at the caller ID, rolling her eyes. Bradley. What the fuck did he want? She quickly put the phone back on the nightstand and turned the phone around so the lit up screen was turned down and wouldn't annoy her.

Bradley frowned when she didn't answer his call and hung up with a sigh. He knew she was awake because she was a night owl and never went to bed early. He just hoped she was okay. He had to see her. He couldn't handle the distance between them even though it was his fault this time. He needed to fix this.

Another filler because I suck. Also not edited ugh.

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