Chapter 26: Reading Reviving the Army

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Chapter 26: Reading Reviving the Army

Iapetus pulled his hood down over his face more as he stepped off Charon's ferry and onto Hades' domain. He wasn't sure how to feel about Kronos' orders. His brother had given him a job that he knew he wouldn't mind doing, despite that fact that it was blatantly disregarding the ancient laws. Iapetus blocked his aura from leaking out as he neared Cerberus, the hound sniffing at the passing dead.

"Is he doing what I think he is doing?!" Hades asked outraged.

"He is," Nico said and bowed his head in shame, he had rooted for the Titan and had explained to many that he wasn't evil, and here he was doing things for the Titans that the gods would consider a traitor.

Iapetus paused slightly as his gaze landed on Hades' Palace in the distance. It would be so easy to go there now and tell the god everything. And Kronos would be mad at him – again. He'd lose all the very small amount of trust that Kronos had for him, and he'd be back at the beginning. No, he decided, it was better to play along with his youngest sibling. At least until he had an opportunity for something, but what that something was he had no clue.

Kronos glared at his older brother, who looked anywhere but him, it was torture that the godlings were there, this book wasn't ever supposed to read, he knew it had been a possibility, but it was tiring. They got to know the dirtiest secrets; like Iapetus traitorous thoughts, like learning that Percy had really hated him for quite sometime, that was one of the few reasons he had tortured him. He had wanted the fire quenched by him.

It didn't take Iapetus long to avoid the Judgement Pavilion and cross the Field of Asphodel to reach Elysium, but he found himself stalled by the Gates of Elysium. He placed his hand on the doors, shutting his eyes as he allowed some of his power to slip past the block he'd made. "Agor ac yn caniatáu i mi, y Titan y Underworld i basio."

"I think I said that wrong," Nico said gloomily, he didn't want to read, but being forced by his dad he had.

Everyone was on edge at his monotone un emotional voice, it was like he was permanently sad or something, and it was probably true, Bianca had died a hero's death, but they had been together for so long he didn't know how to function without her; Will could only do so much.

The doors opened slightly, and Iapetus slipped in, softly shutting the gate behind himself. He knew he now had a time limit before Hades sensed him trespassing. He concentrated, quickly splitting himself apart – his shadow heading in the other direction to him. Kronos had given explicit instructions that Iapetus was to raise three certain demigods, but if he wished he could raise more.

Kronos had an army of demigods who were angry at their godly parents and had recruited them, encouraged them to hate their godly parents, and each and everyone of them he recruited differently. Some needed a firm hand, some needed someone to talk to, and some needed to do stuff to feel important, and that's how he won many over. By knowing their weakness and exploiting it.

Elysium was quiet, almost as if all the dead could sense there was an intruder in their sanctuary. Iapetus sent out a flicker of his power, latching onto one of the beings that Kronos wanted revived and creating a trail to him. Iapetus stayed in the shadows as he made his way towards the demigod, hearing the sound of swords clashing ahead.

It didn't take long to reach the cause of the sounds and Iapetus stayed in the shadows as he watched. Ethan Nakamura and Luke Castellan fought in a ring, swinging their swords with intent to kill. Iapetus waited until Luke had Ethan at sword point before stepping out of the shadows. The effect was immediate.

Luke spun around, his sword raised in a defensive position as Ethan stepped forward, his eyes narrowing. "Who are you?"

"I am Nobody!" Percy exclaimed and clapped his hands in delight, he remembered that quest he had went on with Annabeth and Grover, so many years ago...

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