Chapter 34: Reading Hit and Run full chapter

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Chapter 34: Reading Hit and Run

A/N: Thanks to all those reviews! Tell me who you would like to read next!

Percy was seriously pissed. Kronos was ignoring him.

"Everyone knows Percy likes being the center of attention!" Jason snarked, only to be hit on the head by Annabeth who scowled at him. "I am just saying that everything seems to revolve around him," the son of Jupiter muttered,

Percy would walk down the corridor and see Kronos walking down it towards him, but then Kronos would turn and retreat back down the corridor and take another way to wherever the hell he was going.

Luke seemed happy with whatever was going on, and so did Beckendorf and Silena. And Iapetus. The rest of the Titans were also getting curious about it, because before Percy had been following Kronos around everywhere.

"Sounds like a lost puppy, it is so cute," Nyx said, her voice was high pitched, and it sounded very fangirl like that Aphrodite perked up.

Percy was very tempted to scream and hit something - preferably Kronos - and demand to know what was going on.

"You sound like Annabeth and Athena with wanting to know what is going on all the time," Ares muttered, he had healed all his wounds that had come for almost hurting Percy. Athena was still out of commission; her body had arched as invisible blows hit her. Percy had watched for a moment before flashing the Wisdom goddess to her palace and if you listened carefully you could hear her screams.

The worst thing? Percy missed the prick. He kept waking up screaming and he found himself instinctively looking over to the side of the bed which Kronos should be on but found nothing but air.

"I am guessing this is a form of Stockholm syndrome. "Annabeth asked quietly, she wasn't sure if anyone heard her, but guessing they did because her eyes met golden ones.

Percy stabbed his lunch with his fork, completely ignoring Luke at his side. Beckendorf, Chris, Ethan and Silena sat around them. The noise in the mess hall was almost unbearable. Percy glanced up, his eyes landing on where Kronos was whacking Iapetus over the head. A small smile formed across his lips, and as if he had suddenly sensed him Kronos met his eyes across the mess hall. The King jerked his eyes away back to Iapetus when the older Titan said something, and whatever it was it made Kronos shove his brother off the chair.

"Percy," Beckendorf said, waving his hand in front of Percy's face.

"Huh?" Percy asked.

"Very eloquent of you, "huh?" didn't your mother teach you to speak properly?" Luke snarked poking Percy in the ribs making the Titan glower.

"I would smite you for your rudeness," Percy threatened, face darkening into marble before it was cleared, and a smirk sat on his face. "But I am not Kronos."

"Pish" Kronos muttered in retaliation."

"Don't deny it!" Percy exclaimed.

Beck sighed. "That's the third time you've done that today alone."

Percy shook his head. "Sorry. I'm thinking."

Luke glanced at Silena who nodded slightly, and Luke scowled. "Perce, come on. Finish your lunch."

Percy scowled, but did as Luke said, his mind wandering back to the night before. He had woken up in the middle of the night like the last week after the Second Sack of Rome - as the demigods and monsters had taken to calling it - and Kronos' side of the bed had been warm. Percy was not an idiot, contrary to popular belief, so he knew what that meant. Kronos had snuck in in the middle of the night and left before Percy had woken up.

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