Chapter 28 Reading an Old Friend

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Chapter 28 Reading an Old Friend

"Um excuse me?" Michelle asks, she was a daughter of Aphrodite, she had curly brown hair and ever-changing eye colours, she had her hand up in the air. "I would like to read," she said.

"Read then," Kronos said and tossed the book to her, she blushed as it fell, and a few demigods giggled.

Iapetus shuddered as he felt Hyperion cast from Othrys. Across the room, Krios flinched as he remembered Kronos' anger. The last person he had done that to had been Rhea, and she still had not returned – though the Titans were suspecting that was from her own choice.

Iapetus frowned as he looked at the bile on the floor – Perseus had thrown up again, and in Kronos' chambers. Iapetus winced as he thought of Kronos' reaction, especially if Kronos was still angry. He could sense the Titan approaching, his anger washing over everything in Othrys. Iapetus took a deep breath to clear his head before crouching beside the demigod.

"Perseus, does it hurt?" He asked uneasily as he studied the burnt bicep.

"To much pain and you will no longer feel any," Apollo said, he felt unease at this chapter, he had a feeling that this was a turning point for Percy, he saw Rachel looking at him with the same thought in mind.

Percy mutely shook his head, his lips pressed tight together as he swallowed to try and get rid of the taste of sick in his mouth. Iapetus grimaced and strode into the adjourning bathroom, summoning a cup from the cookhouse on the first floor of Othrys – he knew the cooks wouldn't mind, they were used to having several things disappearing throughout the day. Iapetus quickly filled it up with clean water and handed it to Percy when he re-entered to room.

"Drink," Iapetus ordered as he crouched in front of him. Percy numbly reached out for the cup, his hand shaking from the shock of what had just happened.

"We have to heal him," Krios spoke up from where he was leaning against one of the walls.

Iapetus grimaced. "And what if Kronos doesn't want him healed?"

Kronos smirked his brothers knew him so well at times, and in other times they were useless.

Krios scowled at him. "The kid may not be in pain, but that makes it worse. Not better."

"You think I don't know that?" Iapetus growled. "I am the Titan of pain, Krios."

"Can you take pain and give pain?" Athena asked, she was curious and wanted to learn as much as she could about the Titans and the unknown.

"Of course," Iapetus said with a scoff, "I am a Titan, my powers are mast and great," he boasted and motioned for Michelle to pick up where she had left off.

Krios sighed. "I'm only trying to help. We've got to do something."

"And risk having Kronos even more angry?" Iapetus asked already shaking his head. "I'm not going to risk it. He is not in pain. We can leave him be for now.

Krios tensed as the door opened and Kronos stepped in. Percy almost dropped the cup in his nervousness. Kronos nodded to Krios and Iapetus as a rare sign of thank you before heading straight to Percy. He crouched in front of Percy who avoiding looking at him and glanced briefly at the burn covering Percy's bicep before turning his attention to the cut on the demigod's face.

He moved Percy's head to the side with a finger, Percy immediately doing what he wanted, shivering slightly at Kronos' touch. Kronos studied the cut for several moments before turning back to the burn. Anger flickered briefly in Kronos' dark golden eyes, and then he moved one hand, so it was hovering above the burn.

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