I hope

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I hope we leave these terrains

Silence the words we use as weapons

Grow from the trenches

Of hate and foul play

To see the incandescent sun

Setting fire to our melanin cheekbones

I hope the smoke that blinded us

Fades away letting us open our eyelids

To see each other more clearly

More lovely, more intelligent, more creative

More reachable, soft, more human

I hope the burning anger

Is put out with the flow of our DNA

Destroying any embers laying around

Stirring up old habits of animosity

Cooling our interchangeable spirits

Calming the pain weaved into our hands

I hope we go back

To the land of marigolds

Where forgiveness lays in the green leaves

Growing with the sun we can see

Where the memories of felicity

Fly around us with butterfly wings

Where there's no war in sisterhood


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