Things are changing

181 19 7

There's something stygian lurking in the house
A dark cloud casting a gray hue over our pastel dollhouse
Words of adoration have transformed into syllables of reproach
We stay quiet, they spit sussarations in the night hours
They hug us, etch smiles over fading frowns
Are eyes too sweet, filled with guilessence and cinnamon can't see it
Can't see the passion seeping from her face
The lines of anger drawn on his forehead
We see an act, a moment, something for tv
You're in your own world dancing in marigolds somewhere
I'm trying to sneak another scoop of mint chip
They're burning in their own bubble
Sneaking cups of clear fluid, watching what they've built disintegrate, turn to embers
They're doing a good job, because we don't know what's ahead of us


Author's Note 

So how is your day going?

I decided to play a game of finish that song lyric on each of these poems cause I love music. Just in case you don't know you can finish the lyric and in the comments finish the whole song.  So here we go...

"My thirst levels are infinity and beyond." .... 

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