Chapter 2

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The week went by fast, your violin teacher believes you have mastered the piece and that you are ready for the party. Lindsay did a very nice job on the hidden pockets. Although, you couldnt help but think of the King. There was something about him, like you wanted to get to know him better. Cant do that if hes dead. All through out the week you are debating either to kill him or not.

You are at the party in your dress and high heels which you hate. You have gold earring on as well

"Here, these are for you Arrow." Ray said handing you roses.

"Thank you Ray."

"I know you do great. Besides its not like you are going to be the only one playing Arrow. Everything will be fine. I know you will great." Gavin said.

"Thanks Gavin." 

All your friends gave you words of encourgement back stage. It was almost time for you to go on. Ray took the roses and out them at your seat were you are to eat dinner. Just before you were to go on the king came to visit you.

"Good luck Arrow."

"Thank you my King." 

"These are for you." King Ryan said taking your hand a slipping a gold beraclent on your hand. You blushed as the touch of hes soft hands on yours. "It was my mothers, my father gave it to her. She always wore it during her concerts. Said that it helped her with her nervous because she know my father was looking after her even if he wasnt able to attend the conert." 

"My King, i cant accept something like this." 

"Think of it as something for saving my life last week. Oh, i also had this made for it. I picked the crystal out myself to make sure it matched your beatiful cyan eyes perfectly." King Ryan said placing a gold hair clip with a crystal in the middle in your hair.

"My King, i really cant accept these gifts." You say. The guilt is getting to you. Hes being so nice, yet he's a murder. He had a whole city wiped out for threatening war again Achievement City.

"Of course you can. Think of them as thank  you gives for saving my life." 

"Thank you my King. This really means a lot to me." 

"Your welcome Arrow. i will see after you after you finishing playing." The King said before walking away.

You fixed the clip to your liking, grabbed your violin and went out on stage. Everyone else in the orchestra was already sitting. You bowed to the king, who was now at his seat, than while still standing played an open A string four times, than the rest of the orchestra joined in to play four more times with you. After you sat down, took a deep breathe and started to play. The first 10 measures was a your solo. The rest of the orchestra joined in right on time. Everything went very well. You played all notes perfectly and the rest of the orchestra played perfectly as well.

The King met you back stage.

"Would you like me to put your violin in my room so that no one steals it during the rest of the party." The King said

"A-are you sure my King, i could easily just place it under the table."

"Of course I'm sure Miss Arrow. Come with me so you know were to get it after the party." King Ryan said taking your violin, which is now back in its case, out of your hand.

You both walked in silence to King Ryan's bed room. Once you got there he placed the violin on a small bench that is out he foot of the bed. Before you could re-open the door to leave and head back to the party the King pulled you into a kiss. Hes hand moved up and down your back and one made its way to your leg. Quickly you pushed him off. Although you loved the kiss you didn't want it to go any further than that.

"I'm so sorry Miss Arrow, your just so beautiful i cant help but want you." King Ryan said.

"I'm sorry my king. I i cant do this." You drop both bottles on poison on the floor. Breaking an chance you might have had to kill the king. You grab your violin not wanting to come back here and ran out to the party hall. You placed the violin under the table like you planed to do from the beginning.

"Arrow, would you like to dance with me?" Ray said.

"It would by an honor Ray." You say as you take his hand and walk out onto the dance floor wtih him.

You see King Ryan come back into the party room moments later. He looks pale. Yet you don't know why. He didn't drink the poison or anything. There was nothing you could do so you went on with your night. 

You ended up dancing with both Ray and Gavin by the end of the night. You ignored the King and stayed away from the guards. You told Lindsay you got the King to drink the poison, but didn't say how.

After the party ended, you headed back to house. You placed put your violin away' took the dagger out of your dress and placed it in the closet were you keep all your weapons through your dress on the floor and went to sleep thinking of King Ryan.

Arrow (Ryan Haywood fanfic) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now