Chapter 15

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After lunch everyone went up to the game room were Jack was just sitting there playing games. He didn't know what just happened.

"Hey Jack." Michael said. "Mind if i join you?"

"I don't care." Jack said.

"Oh can i join to." Ray said.

"Yea go ahead."

"Me too!" Gavin said.


"Mind if i play?" Ryan said.

"Ryan? Hey man. How have you been?"

"Been good. How about you?"

"Been good as well."

"OH! Arrow i almost forget to ask you something!" Gavin said turning to face you.

"Will you go out with me?" Gavin said.

"Uh.." You said looking to King Ryan.

"What the fuck did you just ask her?!" King Ryan said.

"I asked her on a date." Gavin said trying to figure out what he did wrong. "What uh what did i do wrong?"

"Gavin, I'm only going to tell you this once so listen carefully. Arrow, is my girlfriend, never ever attempt to go out with her again. Got that?"

"Y-yes." Gavin said backing away scared.

You, Ray, Michael, Clare and Sam laughed at Gavin. It was funny seeing him so scared.

"Sorry Gavin, you knew I only love you like a brother. Dude you basically are my brother."

"Hey! I'm your real brother!" Sam said.

Everyone laughed except Jack. He was completely confused as to whats going on, which made everyone laugh even more. After everyone was done laughing you all took turns telling him what happened. He was shocked but agreed that you all did the right thing in the end.

--- Few Years Later ---

You moved into the castle with King Ryan, you two have been dating for about 5 years. He loves you to no end and you love him. Unlike Geoff, King Ryan made sure he able to make it to your concerts, if he can't, he comes anyway. King Michael and King Ryan made it easier to travel between to the two kingdoms. Clare and Sam moved back to Achievement City. Clare and Gavin also ended up getting together and now have been dating for a year. You are both going to go out on a double date. Your anniversary's are only a few weeks apart so in the middle of month you both go out. Currently you are with Clare getting ready and King Ryan is with Gavin.

"Hey Gavin can you help me with something?" King Ryan asked?

"What is it King Ryan?" Gavin said trying to tie his tie.

"I want to propose to Arrow, i was going to do it on our anniversary, but....i didn't because i was to much of a pussy...." King Ryan said, mumbling the ending.

"What was that last part Ryan? Can't understand you when you mumbling."

"I didn't because i was to much of a pussy alright! I'm scared she'll say no..."

"Ryan, I'm telling you this a friend, Arrow loves you so much, do you really think you guys would still be together after five years if she didn't love?" Gavin said placing a hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"Yea, i guess not."

"How are you going to give her the ring?" Gavin said going back to trying to tie his tie.

"Maybe have Kerry bring it in with the cake?"

"Shes going to be marrying you not Kerry. Just do get on one knee yourself and ask her before the cake comes out. Its a classic." Gavin said still not having his tie tied.

"Need help with the tie?" King Ryan said. He has been waiting for Gavin tie hes tie bout about 10 minutes.


"Sure buddy."


Dinner was good. You liked having dinner with King Ryan and Clare, oh and Gavin too. Just before the desert came out Gavin started to distract you seeing how King Ryan was acting. Nervous. When suddenly King Ryan got an idea and was able to tell Gavin to indirectly ask her about the idea of marriage.

"Hey Arrow, you get 100 million dollars, but for the rest of you life, you can't ever see King Ryan again, would you take the money?"

"Fuck no! There isn't anything you can give that will take me away from Ryan! I will always be by his side, no matter what." You said than turned to see Ryan on one knee.

"Arrow, I love you to no end, will you marry me?" King Ryan said holding a small black box open with a beautiful diamond ring inside.

You just looked at him and smiled. "(Y/F/N)"

"What?" King Ryan said tilting his in confusion.

"That's my name. Well, soon to be (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Haywood." You said smiling and taking the ring and putting it on. "I love you too Ryan."

You and King Ryan kissed, Clare said aww and Gavin smiled. Soon the cake came out. After the cake you and King Ryan retreated to your room that you share and started to plain the perfect wedding.


Your wearing a beautiful white dress with sparkles, the bracelet King Ryan gave you on the day of the party, and you unfortunately couldn't wear the hair clip so King Ryan bought you earrings. You had Clare do your hair and she helped you put on your vial that had purple floors on it that made a bed for your crown that Clare help you put on as well. King Ryan is wearing hes crown, a black tux with a blue vest. Geoff was even allowed to attend. The guards had a close eye on him though. He was just wearing a suit and was sitting with the rest of the guys. Although Geoff wished it was him marrying you, he was still happy for you. The wedding was perfect and all you could ever hope for. All though that didn't matter at the end of the day, you were happy to be marrying King Ryan and he was happy you were marrying him.


"You looked beautiful my Queen." King Ryan said upon returning to your room.

"You looked very handsome as well my King." You said.

"My King can you draw us a bath? A nice relaxing bath as our first night as husband and wife sounds like a good idea." You say taking off your crown and vial.

"Of course my Queen." King Ryan says walking into the bathroom that's in your room. "The bath is ready for your when ever you are my Queen." King Ryan called from the bath room.

"Alright, ill met you in there in just a moment my King." You said rapping a towel around you. You walked into the bathroom dropping the towel on the floor and joining King Ryan in the bath.

"You look beautiful my Queen."

"Not as handsome as you king."

King Ryan leaned into kiss you and of course you kissed him back. The night ended in a bang, comfort and relaxation.

The End~

Arrow (Ryan Haywood fanfic) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now