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Kairi's pov.

I drove down the street, recklessly might I add, with my music blasting and my windows rolled down. I held a blunt between my fingers, inhaling the holy drug.

My body felt alive, and I finally felt some sort emotion. I looked to the passenger seat, and saw the pistol sliding around the seat.

Maybe tonight would be a good night.

I smirked to myself and drove faster down the street, not stopping at any lights or for any pedestrian. Thank god the police were too scared to even come close to me, otherwise i'd be long gone.

My eyes became hazy, as i felt a buzz from my high. I swayed in my seat, moving with the music. I scanned the streets, looking for a nice place to go get food. for free, of course.

I saw a small convenience store, with only a few people inside. I held the blunt between my lips one last time before throwing it out the window.

I shoved the small gun in my pocket, along with the silencer(duh), walking into the store. There was a couple at the counter and a young lady in the back.

My eyes averted to the back, i could just take the lady out right here. After i was convinced that i couldn't see any cameras, i moved my body behind her as she searched the drink isle.

"excuse me? can you help be reach that drink?" I pointed to a drink on the top part of the fridge thing.

She smiled and slowly walked over, i took out the gun and silencer, aiming the gun at her.

A silent sound filled the room, as her body fell to the ground.

pew pew mf.

I cackled to myself, reaching for her wallet. I checked for a pulse just to make sure i had done the job.

I then walked up to the counter, putting my hands on the tile. The couple glared at me.

"hi there, blunt roller." I pointed to the stuff behind them.

"i need your id." The man spoke, annoyed that i interrupted them.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my very obviously fake id and handed it to him.

I read his name tag, looking to the girl.

Mattia and Lena

(no hate to lena tho.)

He was attractive, nonetheless.

I heard him sigh before going to the back wall and looking for what i asked for. The girl continued to glare at me, looking me up and down.

"are you sure you're old enough?" Lena spoke, crossing her arms.

"uh no, that's why i handed him the id." I retorted, almost mocking her.

"it could be fake." She moved her arm to Mattia's chest, slipping it lightly.

"i'm pretty sure it's real." He looked, at me while scratching his head. "we don't have any right here, let me go to the back."

After he left, the mindless girl went on her phone. I yet again pulled out the gun and aimed at her throat.

Her body fell, a thud sound filling the tiny store. I hopped over the counter and began pressing at the register.

I heard footsteps so i pointed the gun through the hallway mattia left.

"what the hell are you doing?"

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