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stream niggas ain't shit by doja cat for happiness. even tho she's like cancelled or something.
here's my boy hector

 here's my boy hector

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mattia's pov.

I was still riled up by kairi calling me his husband. i have no idea why. maybe because i want it to be that way.

Kairi now had been taken care of, and i had met hector. He was nice, but he really didn't seem like he would be friends with kai.

"mattia." Kairi snapped his fingers, cocking a gun. "let's go."

"wait where?"

"the beach spot."

I didn't really have much of a say, especially since he grabbed my hand and yanked me to the car.

He turned the radio up, speeding out of the driveway.

"why are we going there?"

"i'm gonna tell you about oliver. in a relaxed environment."

i didn't say anything, just fumbling with my fingers. He drove to the somewhat similar area, parking in the rocks.

My mind rushed with thoughts, i saw my own dried blood on the bench and rocks. I felt lightheaded and fell over the bench.

Kairi helped me sit up, an offering look upon his face. "you good?"

"the blood." I spoke in a monotone voice.

He shook his shoulders. "i'm sorry, would you like to go closer to the water?" I nodded, taking his hand and leading me closer to the sandy area.

Kairi sat next to me, lacing our fingers together. "i'll have that area cleaned up immediately."

We both stayed silent, watching as the waves brushed up against the sand. Kairi was rubbing my knuckles, sighing every so often.

"so are you gonna tell me about oliver, or are we just gonna sit here?" I teased.

"Oliver, 21, works in the drug business." He spoke minimally, drawing circles in the sand. "he keeps it lowkey, but if he didn't, he'd be more famous than me. He's actually the reason so many people know who i am. i was the only one of his group to do the dirty work."

"why'd you do it then? you could've lived a normal life." I asked, visibly confused at the fact that he did all the work.

He looked at me with low eyes, "because killing got me out of that hell hole. to me, killing is way nicer than cleaning up sewage."

My eyes widened and my eyebrows shot up. "in what way is literal murder better than cleaning a mess up? don't you have to clean up the body up anyways?" I scooted away, pulling my hand with me.

His expression didn't change. "thats why we have framing." He then smirked, chuckling under his breath.

"framing? you don't even own up to it?"

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