Staffing The Heart - Chapter 4

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It took a few hours for collect and forcefully volunteer a few of the girl from the Hallow. Candy knew that Lilith was pulling clean of the Hallow, leaving them to her. She also knew that things were going down and she needed to move the girls out and place them in safe assignments. Irene was going with her for sure, Irene has been in the business almost as long as Candy had been. She wouldn't agree to disengage from the life. Besides Irene, there was a neko demon. A little demon girl, barely looking older than 17 years old. She often wear cute Lolita dresses and a big bell around her neck. She was a sweet little thing but also very cruel and dark inside. Her name was changed when she arrived in Hell as most beings did. She has short curly brown hair, fluffy brown ears, and a long short brown fur kitty tail. She called herself Kalli. 

Candy had hoped for a better turn out for the Hotel but the rest had a good idea what was going on and accepted the disbanding. Lucifer was getting more distant from Lilith, protection was scares for them with Lilith. So they needed to go under and out of reach. After packing everything and setting everything for removal, Candy glanced around the Hallow one last time. She hummed then looked at the replica board and walked away and left that Hallow in darkness. 

~~Back to the Hotel~~

Candy, Irene, and Kalli arrived at the hotel. Candy made sure to inform them of the radio demon and his importance to Charlie and that he couldn't be touched. Not yet. Candy personally had no desire to be around the Radio demon. He annoyed her with his static and his ever wide grin. Irene and Kalli weren't as hardcore as Candy was when it came to Overlords. But that was common for someone who lived beside a woman like Lilith for years. Upon arrival, Charlie was all over Irene and Kalli when they walked in. "Oh my Lucifer! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! You're going to love it here! Thank you Candy! This is awesome!" Charlie yelled, hugging both of the girls and Candy laughed while the imp and neko looked startled by the touching and hugging. "I'll show you around and get you all settled in!" Charlie added and dragged them off while Candy waved at them watching them getting dragged away. 

Candy was still standing outside not wishing to go inside. She could sense Alastor inside and had no desire to go inside. Maybe a good walk before going back inside to deal with the likes of him? She nodded at the thought and walked off, calmly walking down the streets of hell. Walking past bars, brothels, drug dealers, and more. She heard the whistles and catcalling, ignoring it and looking at her hell-phone. She was texting Charlie letting her know she was doing some running around before coming back. She soon came to a club she knew well enough. It was run by the 3V. It was a part of the small empire they ran together. The top Overlords that were top of the tame list. But they never had a way in to get near any of them. The girls were all too dominate to submit to any of the V's to get close enough. So they simply kept a list on them.

Well, now she was basically off the record, off the books now, free lancing. And she was curious on their club. She walked into the sexy club, music blaring, and lights pulsing all over. IT was neon shades all over and she chued curiously at the sights. It was black inside and the neon colors were amazing to watch and see. She felt giddy like she was alive again. She looked around as her pink fur and eyes glowed in all the neon and black lights and walked to the bar to get a drink. She ordered a a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle. (Very rare and expensive bourbon.) She sat down and looked around the club and took in all the details. Sexy, beautiful, slutty, and revealing dressed demon females dancing in cages. Girls sitting on males laps, flirting and getting them to buy more liquor. Men of all class were in this club. She then noticed in the far VID (Very Important Demon) the 3V themselves. Though in this setting they looked completely well, boring. The sight made her snort and chuckle. Velvet was laying upside down on the couch, playing on her hell-phone. Vox was busy looking like he was about doze off, bored out of his screen, Valentino had a cute little demon girl beside him but he was busy on his own hell-phone to notice her. 

She watched them and shook her head, this was why they never had to take action on them. They were top tier demons, Overlords, and yet so on top and feared that they had gotten bored. Oh, such a pity. She sipped her bourbon and sighed, smiling at herself. She had to admit, not longer having to hunt them. They were adorable like this, so non-threatening. Maybe she's spend the evenings here from now on. Avoiding the mono-stick at the Hotel at least. She glanced back at the third Overlords with a slight smirk. "Yes, a new hobby of sorts. Just cause I'm not assigned to kill them. Doesn't mean I can't tame them another way.." She thought and licked her lips before going back to her drink. She downed the rest and got up and tipped the bartender. Then leaned close and slipped him a note. Her tails swaying for effect to get her point across to him. "Give this to 3V. I'm interested." She purred and blew a kissed then vanished in pink smoke.

~~By 3V~~

Vox's screen glitched and his head snapped up suddenly, feeling a sudden chill and frowned. "Whats up Voxy?" Velvet asked, not even glancing from her hell-phone. He glared over at her and looked around noticing the stunned bartender and the remains of some pink smoke. "Fuck off Velvet..." He mumbled as he glared at the smoke a bit and noticed the bartender timidly walking over to them. "E.e.e..ex..excuse lords. A..A kitsune...She left this." He said and Valentino sat up first hear the word she and kitsune. He hadn't had one of those yet, and took the note with his upper hands. His lower hands holding his hell-phone still. "Well then. Looks like we may have a secret admirer. Babies." Valentino said chuckling, looking over the note and then handing the note to Vox but Velvet snatched it first. "Oh my Luci! I'm in this too! Yay!" Velvet yelled, jumping up and Vox growled at the hyper Overlord and stood snatching the note and looked at it. His screen glitched to a pink hue blush. "WEll! Aha.. This is. New." Vox said, not use to such things and Velvet rolled her eyes and snatched the note back and giggled happily. "A kitsune! That will be so cute! She could be like a pet! Oh oh! We can get her a cute collar!" Velvet yelled happily, giggling more. "We have plently." Valentino added, Velvet gasped, "No shocking! Not yet...We need to break her in first!..hehe." Velvet said smirking, Valentino laughed at the hyper Overlord. Vox rolled his eyes but her was just as curious on this admirer. 

To Be Continue..

Up Next...The Fox Hunt??

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