Love is Only Skin-Deep - Chapter 16

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((Artwork belongs to me. I reveal to you Cotton Candy!))

The bath had been peaceful, relaxing even. Candy rested in Valentino's arms as they soaked in the bubbles. Valentino however did not view it as relaxing as she did. His mind still fuming on what Vox and Velvet did to him. The insult they gave to him, and it was laying on him currently. But another part of his brain was confused by his emotional rage. He never got this possessive over someone, not including Angel Dust. But he had signed a contract, he had a right to act how he did. That was it! The way he trained and taught Angel Dust his place. That would surely work on this pup as well. He looked down at the relaxing little pup in his arms. Her eyes were closed and she had a soft smile on her lips. Yes, that is exactly what he planned to do. Train her to behave and answer to him like Angel once did. 

Val put out his smoke before setting his glass off to the side and stroked her hair with his upper hands. She made a soft chu sound, enjoying his tender touch. Candy had no idea what he was about to do to her. His grin widened as he ran his fingers through her hair gently then suddenly gripped it and slammed her under the water. She barely got a yelp out as he pinned her under the water easily by her hair and throat with two hands. The other two hands held her waist as he watched her struggle. Her eyes closed as she tried to get free to get above the water. He watched her calmly with a dark, wicked grin before pulling her out when he felt her struggling getting weaker. Candy gasped harshly, coughing out water and soap as she clawed his wrists gently. 

"What the fuck Val!?" She screamed at him, only for him to sink her back under the water without any warning or care if she had taken a breath in time. Candy struggled harder and kicked at him but his body moved and pinned her fully under the water. Watching her struggle and try to force him off of her. Ignoring her claws digging into his upper arms and wrist, the blood turning the water red. She choked when he pulled her up and held her by her throat. She was light headed and coughing out water. All she could taste was the soap from the bubbles and her eyes stung from it. Her vision looked at him, tears in her eyes. "There there puppy~~" He cooed to her, stroking her cheek with a thumb. "Are you going to be a good girl?" He asked and she looked very confused by his words. "Very well." He said grinning wider and her eyes widened as he forced her under a third time. Candy's mind was racing, so confused by his actions. Why was he hurting her? Why was he trying to kill her like this? Fear bubbled inside her as she felt her lungs burning a third time. The pain was so bad, her eyes stung from the soap and her throat burned in pain from cough and choking. Val pulled her up just as she was about to black out. She whimpered as she coughed out the water in her lungs then looked at him. "I'll be good!" She yelled when he moved to push her under a fourth time. But he stopped when she yelled. "I'll be a good girl. I'll be good Val." She said quickly, her ears back flat as he held her by her throat. 

Val's grin turned into an evil smirk and he kissed her forehead. "That's my good girl!~~" He purred to her as she sat before him shaking violently. "Get out and dry off." He ordered and Candy nodded to his order. She got up and got up drying herself with a towel. Avoiding looking at Val when he got out and started drying himself off. Looking at his already healed arms. Candy wasn't sure what the hell had just happened. They went from cuddling to suddenly him trying to drown her in the murky red soapy water. She was so lost in thought she didn't notice Valentino had snapped his clothing on. Lost in her thoughts as she stood holding her towel to her chest. Val watched her for a moment, knowing he had successfully stunned her by his actions. His lower hands linked behind his back as he reached out an upper hand to her from behind, his grin dark again. 

With a harsh painful yank, he grabbed her hair and dragged her into his room. Holding her nearly off the ground completely, her tip toes barely able to touch the ground. She shrieked and struggled in his grip, reaching up to grab his wrist. "Voxy isn't here to save you now." He growled to her, her eyes widening as she realized why he was doing this. Because of her night with Vox! She cried out when he tossed her naked form on to his plush red carpet and whimpered softly. "As a matter of fact my sweet puppy. Maybe I should banned those two for a few days...weeks?...Months?" He asked, his grin getting wickedly wide and dark. A cold, sinister laughter coming from his chest as she looked at him with scared eyes. Her long black hair sticking to her body as she turn and faced him, sitting there. "Val..." Candy had started only to yelp out when he grabbed her ear roughly. "I didn't say you could call me that! Did I puppy?!" He growled and she cried out, tears falling freely as she was jerked forward onto her hands and knees. "Lets see...what should you call me for our time together?~~" He growled seductively as he eyed her trembling form. "It hurts! Please!" She begged and screamed when he tightened his grip and twisted it even. "It's supposed to puppy. Yes~~ That's it. You'll call me Master.~~" He growled kneeling down to her level and jerked her head back to force her to look into his big red eyes. "After all, isn't dog mans best friend?" He asked with a chuckle and a smirk. 

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