Shattered Glass - Chapter 24

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The limbo ride back to the porn studio should have been silent. One would have thought it would be silent, with Vox shut down, only Valentino sitting in the limbo with him. Valentino was still clutching Vox in his four arms. Holding him to his chest, possibly too tightly. But he couldn't control it at the moment. His eyes strung as he tried to resist the tidal wave of emotions flooding him. He was looking down at his friend, no...Vox was more than a friend to him. Vox meant everything to him. Possibly his only weakness in this shit hole he got damned to all those years ago. His vision blurred as he stared at the black screen under his gaze. Little droplets fell onto Vox's screen, making Valentino blink a few times. He was crying, he hadn't cried well, he couldn't even recall when he last cried. His glasses were glossy in the lights of his limbo. At least Velvet had brought his limbo. But yet his mind couldn't focus there. It was focused on the tech demon in his arms. His mind racing to the first moment they had met, to all the time they had spent together. Then the thought of the night he had fallen for the tv head demon before him.


It was evening in the penthouse of the porn studio's. This was before Velvet had joined them. It was only Vox and Valentino in the penthouse. Valentino was relaxed on his couch, pink smoke in the shape of hearts trailed around him as he stared at his ceiling. Vox was lounged on the couch across from him. This was just how their spent their evenings in Hell, alone together, relaxed and enjoying the quiet of each others company. 

After a moment or two Valentino got up and walked to the massive windows in his penthouse and looked out over Pentagram city

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After a moment or two Valentino got up and walked to the massive windows in his penthouse and looked out over Pentagram city. "Voxxie Darling~~" Valentino started, looking out the windows still. Tossing his smoke off to the side, not caring where it landed. His voice gaining Vox's attention so he looked over to him. Valentino was always so graceful and elegant in his movements. Even now Vox couldn't help but have a blush wash over his screen at the sight of his form with the city in the backdrop. "Yeah Val?" Vox asked, sitting up fully to see what Val had to talk about. "I've been thinking, what if we join together?" Valentino asked and turned to face Vox with his arms spread out and a wide grin on his face. Vox's screen glitched slightly as he tilted his head at him. "We are already joined together Val." He said, then Val walked over to him and leaned over him with a pink dripping grin. His sharp teeth glimmering in the dim lights of the room. "Yes. But I mean together in another way Voxxie Darling.~~" Val whispered to the tv demon before him. Dragging a finger down his screen slightly, making Vox's screen suddenly glitch out slightly as he looked up at him startled and turning pink. "Oh..OH!" Vox stammered out and looked into the tall moth demons eyes. 

Vox had been silently and secretly crushing on Valentino for the last few months. How could anyone not fall for the tall handsome demon? But for him to come right out and ask him like this? He wasn't prepared yet, he wasn't sure what to say. His pink shaded screen and wide eyes just stared at Val's ever growing grin and eyes before Val crawled onto the couch with him. "Well, I'm not hearing no." Val purred to Vox as he crawled over the other Overlord. Vox felt like he might over heat that very moment, looking up at Valentino who hovered over him. "Why would I tell you no?" Vox finally replied a smirk coming to his screen. His cocky nature coming out as he looked up at him. "That's my Voxxie." Val purred and leaned down kissing Vox on the lips on the screen. Vox returned the kiss. His cyber tongue sliding out and into Val's mouth.

~~Back to Present~~

Tears flooded the red eyes of the moth Overlord once again. All these years with Vox and he had only shown him that affection on a few occasions. His pride and ego had always come first, he had always been too focused to give the TV Overlord the attention he truly desired. If he could fix this, he'd change, not for anyone else but Vox. Valentino would mend this somehow, he'd make Vox see it was ok, that he still loved him. Valentino didn't know if he could handle existing in Hell without Vox beside him. He couldn't remember a time when the TV wasn't there to keep him under control. 

The limbo soon arrived at the Studio, the driver didn't even have time to open the door for Valentino before Valentino had the door open and was half way to the studio doors. Vox still in his other set of arms. His upper hands which were free flung open the door, nearly pulling them off the hinges as he went inside. He spoke to no one, he barely glanced around the room before heading to the elevator to take Vox up to his penthouse. Valentino needed to be alone with Vox, he needed to make this right again and no matter the cost, he'd get his Vox back.

It was deathly silent in the penthouse as Valentino laid Vox onto the couch to watch over him. He knew the force Velvet struck him with would have put him through a reboot. His long fingers trailed along Vox's head to find the spot. Vox had a little spot that was much like a button. It was sensitive and Valentino use to use it on him to get favors from him all those years ago. Had it been so long that he forgot where it was? Had he truly ignored Vox this long? A frown graced his lips as he looked for the button. This wasn't acceptable anymore, he was the damn symbol of sex, lust and love down here. And he had ignored the only being he had come to love and trust. 

His fingers suddenly stroked over the spot, causing the screen on Vox to go to a pinkish static. That was what Valentino wanted, the static remained for a moment before his face came into view with a few flickers. His eyes blinked as he took in the Moth Overlord above him. There was a silence as Vox took in the expression on Valentino. Valentino had been crying and shaking, his glasses were gone, his hat was gone, and Valentino's hands where holding onto Vox's face. Vox's eyes only narrowed at the Moth Overlord then sat up after brushing him away from his body. \

His mind was racing to figure out what had happened during the battle they had been having. He looked around the room to see he had been taken by Valentino to the studio penthouse. Figures that would be where Valentino would take him. Vox looked back to Valentino with a narrowed expression, watching Valentino sitting down on the couch next to him. Admittedly, Vox was confused by the action. He had only been trying to kill Valentino a short time ago, yet Valentino still was trusting him. "Voxie...Forgive me.." Valentino whispered, rubbing his face with two hands. The other two resting in his lap almost limply. Vox peered at Valentino with confusion and distrust then noticed once again tears had begun to flow from the pimps eyes. Vox's eyes widened as he watched Valentino silently sob next to him. "Val...." Vox started but was cut by Valentino who shook his head. "I've pushed you away for so many years Voxie. I hadn't realized it. Velvet came in because I had gotten bored...And now this kitsune, Candy. I've abandoned you and yet you still stood beside me all these years. I can't blame you for attacking me, for trying to end me finally after everything I've been putting you through." Valentino started rambling off to Vox as he held his face. Disgraced by the overwhelming emotions flooding his body and mind.

Vox sat in stunned silence, only looking at Valentino who was seeming to be pouring his heart out to him. It was something he rarely saw, it had been so long since Valentino has expression anything bu anger or lust. Vox wasn't even sure how to take it or handle the way he was acting. "Forgive me Voxie...I will change...I won't ignore you anymore." Valentino stated as he looked over to Vox. Screen dusting with pink, Vox looked at Valentino in shock. "What...what are you..." Vox stammered but his words were cut short when Valentino pulled him close to him. All four hands grabbing Vox and pulled him to him. Valentino kissed Vox deeply, stunning the TV once again. 

Vox had been planning to kill Valentino over Candy and yet Valentino thought it was over the fact he had been ignored all these years. Vox had been ready to yell at Valentino, but those lips crashed onto his screen. He couldn't resist Valentino and returned the kiss. 

To Be Continued...

Next Chapter - Can Foxes Fly?

Sorry for the delay on this chapter. Lots going on in my RL. Took on a Hazbin Hotel RP discord server at the same time as RL chaos. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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