Static Fluff - Chapter 6

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Pentagram City was bustling with all the sin it could. But when was it not? Demons fighting, killing, cheating, doing drugs, well the list could go on. This was Hell! And who didn't love a good night out with sinful intentions? Irene had to drag Candy to her room to get her to get ready. Candy was still trying to get time alone with Charlie, but the damn mono-stick kept blocking her. When Irene had found Candy hours later she was on the borderline of attacking Alastor who had seemed to get enjoyment at pissing off the kitsune in the Hotel. "Breathe puppy...Breathe. Remember, you can't kill him." Irene said, rubbing Candy's shoulder in Candy's room after sitting her on the bed. "Ugh, that pompous ugly dip-stick!" Candy snarled, all nine tails were glowing neon blue in anger. "Remember! Tonight is drinking and killing! Save the anger blue static for when we get done drinking puppers." Irene added, poking her forehead and then walked over to the closet. "So much pink...ugh, it's like Angel's closet. Ok, lets find something sexy! You have to have a sexy side right?" Irene teased laughing nervously though she was concerned seeing the lack of sexy garments in the closet. "Ummm...Hmm, ok. I'll be back. Go get your hair and make up going! I'm going to get some options from my closet." Irene said and walked out. 

Candy looked at Irene and then groaned, this day was oddly turning better. At least she'd be drunk and bloody by sun rise. That was the hope. Candy got up and undid the long braids in her hair and begun putting on some neon blue lipstick, to match her pupils. Then some black eyeliner. She didn't wear too much makeup really. Her eyes were too bright to hide under layers of gunk. She brushed her flowing hair and hummed in thought. She decided to pulled it up into two pony tails, then begun doing several mini braids in the pony tails. She looked at her hair then touched the tips of her hair and started changing it to a fading of neon blue. She felt like adding more color to her look for the night out. She still had the pink on her ears and tails, and started brushing her fur to fluff it and admired her hair and tails. Her hair reminded her of line wires and it made her giggle at the thought. 

Just then Irene came in holding a bunch of clothing in her arms. Her tail whipped behind her as she looked at Candy. Irene blushed at looking at Candy, "I'm jealous of your powers puppers."Irene pouted and Candy laughed and walked over to go through the clothing with her. Irene picked a tight black dress with a slit on the right thigh and a set of thigh high black boots. Candy had picked a black tight mini shorts with a wrap loin cloth skirt over it. It was sheer neon blue, draped in front and behind her. She put on a black tank top and then a neon blue with pink hearts on it fishnet sweater over it. It was loose and had a few holes in it and she purred at the look. She slipped on low heel knee high boots and grabbed a holy gun, a shiny silver gun which she slipped in behind her in her shorts strap holster then a good size knife to slip into her boot. Irene armed up with a gun of her own, and a few throwing knives. Both gripped each others wrists and shook and smirked. "Lets go killing!" Irene said excitedly then skipped from the room. Candy shook her head, laughing and followed her.

~~Streets of Pentagram City~~

Vox had been cheeking a few of the lower bars, which ended in most demons too scared to even look at him. The evening was getting more and more annoying as the time went on. He had already smoked four cigars in his hunt. Scanning the local hell-phones proved nothing, but he did get a few pings on a name connected to a kitsune. He did enjoy the benefits of his powers. The information he had collected had been interesting to say the least. But he was going to wait and see if it was true. He was standing by the entrance to the Porn Studio, the bottom floor was a club and he was looking at his hell-phone reviewing the information he had collected. "Cotton Candy. Former maid to the Royal family sent a lot of texts recently.." He thought, scrolling through all the texts she had been sending that day. "S.S.H.? Hmm." He said softly, and then looked up as two female demons walked by him suddenly. It had been an imp female but that wasn't what caught his attention fully. It was the female next to her. She was the kitsune from the video footage. He had spent all day, no! Days! Days searching for this female and she just walked past him and then into his club like it was normal. He was stunned, standing there watching them entering the club and then quickly called Valentino. "Found her. She's in the club. Have the guards block the doors." He ordered and hung up before Valentino could even answer. Velvet was dressed as was Valentino, Velvet was looking at Valentino who was smirking widely. "What is it Val?" She asked, "Looks like our pup has come home." Valentino said summoning his guards to give them the orders.

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