Friend or Foe? - Chapter 23

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((As a per warning. This chapter is a battle between Valentino and Vox mostly. This will be brutal, cruel, and there may be triggers within the chapter. You have been warned. As you know, this is Hell. Welcome.))

((Shout out to Blondbutsmart for inspiring me to write this originally!))

It was still mid morning in pentagram city. Hell was thriving in all it's sinful, dark ways as normal. Well, for most that is. Velvet had kicked Valentino out of his studio. Not having any choice when she used her puppet string on him and forced him to walked from the building. Then she locked the building down. Not even letting him call his limbo first. Valentino wouldn't admit he deserved it for what he did to Candy or for ignored Velvet like he had. His pride was stringing too much currently. So here he was, walking down the streets. A joint in his mouth, pink smoke floating around him as he walked around the streets for something to do till Velvet let him back inside the studio. 

Elsewhere in the Pentagram, Vox was nursing his head. A crack in his screen finally healed over, as he looked at his reflection with pure rage. The lights in the city flickered slightly as he tried to calm himself. He was losing it slightly. Every second, he was losing grip on himself more and more. His anger over Valentino's actions still raged inside him, swirling in him, whipping around like a live wire inside his mind. He clawed his marble counter as he looked down at his sink. That bitch of an imp had gotten away from him the night before. He would have to locate her later, he couldn't leave any loose ties. He had been knocked out by that little bitch and she had gotten out of the room and his manor. How she escaped his security programs in his manor was beyond him at the moment. 

Vox's racing thoughts all stopped with a ping that echoed in the dark bathroom he was standing in. He had been breathing so heavily he was shaking with a deranged grin formed on his face. His eyes wide as he just stared at the sink. But then that ping, he knew the sound. It was his phone, He took a shaking, ragged deep breath, calming himself enough so he wouldn't destroy his phone with a touch. He stood up and closed his eyes and took another breath, his breathing starting to even out. Yes, he was calming down. He picked up his phone and unlocked it. Looking it over, he eyed the text that had been sent to him. "Velvet kicked me out of the studio. Where the fuck are you?! Come pick me up and let's go drink." The text message from Valentino read. 

This was perfect! Valentino was not only out in the open, Velvet had kicked him out of his only safe area. Sure he was powerful, but he stayed locked up for good reasons. He avoided going into battles. Valentino, in his own opinion had advanced himself beyond battles. Now, Valentino was out where Vox would get his hands on him. After what Val did to Candy, he needed to suffer. He needed to die. Yes, he didn't deserve to live after what he did to her. Vox shook as he held his phone and then replied to Val's text. "I'll send the Limbo to pick you up and bring you to where I'm at." Vox's grin was so wide it was off the edges of his screen. He then crushed his phone in his grip as he started laughing, sparks forming around him. This would be the end of the great Valentino. Nothing would stop Vox from erasing Valentino from Hell once and for all. With Velvet busy with Candy, Valentino had no back up. 

Val looked at the text then sighed and stopped where he was and leaned against the brick wall. The text seemed oddly blunt for something from Vox. But Val assumed maybe it was due to the fact Val had kicked him out of the studio for a few days. Val had no idea the fury that Vox held towards him over what he had done. Val didn't even realize that Vox knew about it yet. It only took a few minutes before a limbo pulled up to the edge. "About fucking time..." Valentino mumbled before walking over to the edge of the road and got into the back. It was Vox's limbo, everything was neon colored unlike Valentino's which looked like cupid puked all over it. Val leaned back in the seat with a sigh, it had been a while since him and Vox had gone out drinking alone. This would be a nice change, like the old days even before Velvet had come to hell and joined them. Back when it was just Vox and him together. It had been so long since they had been alone together. 

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