Velvety Smooth - Chapter 22

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The night had been long for some of the demons and sinners in Pentagram city. However, for one demon it was extremely long. Velvet had been tossing and turning in her bed all night. She was pissed that Val and Vox had been ignoring her. That on top of the fact Valentino had banned them both from his studio, keeping Candy all to himself. She didn't know the dark things Vox was currently doing, or the claiming Valentino was busy with. All she knew was she was lonely and bored without anyone to pay her attention. Not even social media was amusing her! 

Come morning she had had enough of being ignored. They never ignored her before! She was fuming as she sat in her limbo, the limbo heading to the studio building. She was going to make Valentino take them back in. Then she was going to get Candy a hell-phone, and take her shopping like she wanted. He couldn't keep her hostage all this time without them being involved! They wouldn't even have Candy if it weren't for her to begin with! Her left eye twitched uncontrollably as she sat there, trying to control her burning rage inside her. No one ignores Velvet! She was the social demon icon for Lucifer's sake!

Once it arrived she got out of the limbo before the driver could get to the door. Storming her way inside the building, slashing the throats of any demon guard stupid enough to even speak to her. Giving Valentino no time to prep or even know the fury coming for him. Velvet didn't exactly know where Vox lived, so Valentino had become her prey. Leaving a trail of bodies behind her as she reached the top suite in the building. She walked in and noticed it was empty. He didn't have any of his whores or sluts up there. So did he banned everyone? 

She sniffed the air noticing the sickly smell in the suite. It was that of blood and rotting flesh? The smell normally didn't bother her, but she knew what else was mixed with that scent. Candy's scent! She covered her mouth in slight horror, did Val? No he wouldn't have. Not over Vox getting to her first, would he? She followed the scent till she found the box on a table. The bottom of it was dripping with blood. She looked at the size of the box and for once was scared. She feared what was inside the box. She feared what Valentino had done to Candy in the time they had left her alone with him. Her hands reached for the bow to grab the lid but stopped, jumping nearly a foot when a set of hands rested on her shoulders suddenly. 

"Hello Dolly~~" Valentino said calmly from behind her and she felt rage and for the first time hate boil over inside her for the man, no demon behind her. She turned around, her eyes glowing bright red. "What. Is. In. The. Box.?" She said every word so carefully and coldly, Valentino's skin crawled and he took a step back. He had forgotten he left that out. He hadn't planned to let either of them back any time soon though. He didn't dare take his eyes from Velvet who looked ready to rip him limb from limb, advancing on him with careful steps. Each one was slow and placed so precisely in front of her it was unnerving to watch. 

"Dolly..." He started and stopped when her one eye twitched violently. "Velvet. My name is Velvet." She snapped in a harsh tone. Damn it all, she had snapped. Pet names were not going to calm her down. "Candy is very much alive and well, I promise Velvet." Valentino said, putting all four hands up as he backed from the female Overlord who was still advancing on him. Her arms out to her side, fingers spread and flexing, her claws long and ready to slice him to ribbons. "Then. What. Is. In. The. Box. Valentino.?" She asked, her tone getting darker as she paused for a moment. Watching him glance to the box, but her eyes never left his wide ones. 

"Her...Flesh." He said softly, "I can explain! It's the tattoo!" He added quickly, dodging to the side when she slashed at him. Her claws shredding the chair that had been behind him. "CAlm down Velvet!" Valentino growled and dodged another slash from her claws. She was smaller and faster than him, giving her the advantage in the battle. He cringed when he failed to dodge her slashing a third time and her claws racked his chest. Shredding his coat and making his pink blood splatter out onto the ground and onto her. Valentino growled and grabbed her wrist and flung her back. Her back hit the wall near by hard, making a loud thud sound. "That's enough Velvet!" He snarled and snapped his fingers, pink thread forming around her. 

Candy had been resting in Valentino's bed when she heard the fighting and then Val's snarl. "Velvet?" Candy whispered to herself, then slipped on a pink robe and walked to the main room. Candy opened the door just as Velvet broke free of the threads and stood up, looking at Val, ready to kill him. But the moment Velvet saw Candy standing there with a robe on and looking ok she paused in her rage. Valentino relaxed once he saw that Velvet was switching gears at seeing Candy. "Foxie...What has Valentino done to you? Are you ok?" Velvet asked, walking over to her quickly and took her hands into hers. "Val simply helped me with being hidden from Lucifer's rage. That's all. I'm fine. I'm glad you are back though. It was too quiet with you gone." Candy said smiling at Velvet, her ears twitching on her head as she looked at Velvet sweetly. 

Velvet smiled finally and seemed to return to normal after that. Valentino looked exhausted and pissed. He couldn't say much however, he knew he deserved this from her. At least it was only Velvet who had found the box, not Vox. Valentino could handle a battle with Velvet, but fighting Vox would be much harder. "And you!" A voice shouted, bringing Val from his thoughts. He looked up to Velvet who was clinging to Candy and pointing at him. "You! aren't allowed to ignore me! I'm taking Candy out today and getting her a phone! This is your punishment!" Velvet shouted at him, then dragged the very confused and stunned Candy into the hallway to her room. 

Valentino groaned and sat down on a chair next to him, touching his already healing chest. "I need to hide that box before Vox gets here." He mumbled in a growl, then got up. Snapping his fingers, fixing his suit fully then walking to the dripping box on the table and snapped his fingers again. It vanished as did the scent tied to it. "There. Now to address the current issue." He mumbled, not wanting to fight Velvet over Candy going out. But Candy couldn't leave the studio. It wasn't safe still, but if it was shopping and a phone. Valentino could provide that in the safety of the studio.

"Velvet, are you sure this is a good idea? Going out with Lucifer hunting down everyone?"  Candy asked, sitting on her bed watching Velvet throwing clothing all over the place. Velvet was searching for an outfit to dress her up in. "Well Val need's to be punished. And taking you away from him is a good punishment." She retorted with a huff. "She can't leave for two reason Dolly. One Lucifer's witch hunt. Two, Vox has control of the collar. It is set to lock her in the studio." Valentino said, walking into the room. Only to be nailed in the face with a boot. He fell backward out the door and Velvet glared at him from where she was standing. "Then call him and fix it!" Velvet snapped at him, as Val sat up growling. "I can call and have shops come here and I'll give Candy a phone. But she's not leaving." He replied to her, dodging another boot aimed for his face. Velvet was smirking then crossed her arms. Candy had hands over her mouth to hold in her laughter at watching Val getting taken out by her boots.

"Fine, but you have to leave. It's your punishment for being such a jackass." Velvet said, crossing her arms and smirking at him. He growled at her but then sighed and stood up. "Fine, whatever. I'll make the calls." He said, turning away from them both to leave the room. Velvet skipped over to him. Jumping onto his back and hugged him, before kissing his cheek. "Thank you Val!" She said happily then let him go. Val sighed and shook his head, why did he put up with this girl? He walked out as Velvet returned to throwing clothing around the room looking for the outfit she wanted for Candy to wear. Candy smiled softly, having watched how easily Velvet calmed Val down and relaxed on her bed. She could get use to this, get use to living here with them. She just needed to learn what Velvet did to control the other two. Candy knew she needed to earn their trust first to get the collar on her throat removed. As pretty as the pearls were, she felt it limiting her power. And if Lucifer did come for her, she was powerless to him to begin with. But in this state she didn't even stand a chance at escaping him. 

"Found it!" Velvet yelled, smiling and pulled out a dress that made Candy's cheeks turn bright red.

To Be Continued...

Next Chapter - Friend or Foe?

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