Drink Or Dare - Chapter 9

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Driving back from the meeting was perhaps tenser than it should have been. "Voxy.." Velvet started and then went silent when he glared at her. They had been informed of the Queen's recent erasing from Hell due to her plotting against him. And worse off, Lucifer wanted to know if any of the Overlord's knew about it. They had only recently acquired their little pet girlfriend. So they hadn't mentioned it. They hadn't mentioned that they had one of the people who worked under the late Queen's group. Not that she was much of a threat locked away in the studio. Velvet was concerned for Candy right now. The other two Overlords looked ready to kill, and she feared Candy was their target. She bit her lip looking at Valentino who was leaning back in his spot looking up at the ceiling of the Limbo. This wasn't going to be good for poor Candy, Velvet knew it wasn't.

~~At the Studios~~

Candy had been exploring but nearly every door she tried to open was locked. Leaving her with the lobby area and her room. That gave her no where to explore honestly. She got bored of hiding in her room after her frustrating exploration and went to the lounge area in the lobby. She was sitting there fidgeting with her new collar. The pearl necklace she had learned the first night wasn't just a necklace. Nope, the bastards had tricked her into a collar. She hated collars, but at least this one was pretty. She played with the bell on her neck, listening to it ring. She knew by now Lilith was dead, she wondered if Charlie knew. She hoped Kalli and Irene were helping her. That poor child, and Lucifer so high strung that he can't see what Lilith was actually doing. She sighed and looked at the dancers and workers who were suddenly filtering out of the studio in a rather fast and slightly worried motion. "That's not a good sign." Candy whispered to herself, her ears dropping but she remained on the couch. 

She got up and started making drinks at the little bar in the studio. Her tails swaying as she recalled the collected data on the 3V. Weird that this had been something recorded in her mind, but it was useful now. She knew each of their's favorite drink, and she had just finished making the last one when the elevator doors opened. She felt the anger and tense mood from across the room. She took a deep breath and then walked out and sat their drinks on the table, setting down Valentino's and Vox's drink first. Then going and grabbing Velvets. Setting it on the table and stepped back. "What's this?" Valentino asked sitting on one of the couch, stretching out, not even glancing at her. Her ears twitched at his tone, it was cold. "Drinks. I figured after that meeting you'd want drinks." She said softly, and blushed when Velvet ran over and hugged her tightly. "You're so sweet!" Velvet said happily, then eeped when Vox grabbed Candy roughly by her arm. "Voxy!" Velvet yelled, but she was ignored. Candy had expected the roughness after that meeting, she held in the whimper from his tight grip on her arm. "You knew, didn't you?" He snapped at her, Candy avoided looking at him. Flinching when his grip got tighter on her arm. "How long have you known?!" He yelled, the lights flickering around them. Valentino scuffed at the flickering of lights and glanced to the pair. Velvet looked ready to have a panic attack over Vox attacking Candy. 

"A month ago I was informed by Lilith that Lucifer was getting close to finding out. I ..." Candy started and glanced at him slightly and knew the cat was out of the bag anyways. "I was put in charge of disbanding the group and sending everyone off before he got too close." She finished and then yelped when he shoved her back hard. "Voxy! That's enough!" Velvet yelled, noticing that Candy's arm was bleeding from his claws. Candy gently held her arm, ignoring the blood seeping from the wound. Vox huffed and sat down on the couch across from Valentino. "Get out of my sight." Vox snapped, not looking at her. Candy bowed her head and turned on her heel and walked back to her room quickly. 

Velvet watched and then looked at the two males with fury. "I can't even begin to tell you both how fucked up that was!" She growled, her eyes turning red. "That girl put us in a dangerous position." Vox started and picked up the glass Candy had made for him. Only to have it suddenly slapped from his hands by Velvet. "We were the ones who put her here you fucking idiot!" She yelled, "No! You don't get to enjoy the drink she made you because you are an asshole!" She yelled, and then knocked over Valentino's glass before he could even reach for it. "You too! I can't believe either of you!" She growled and grabbed her hair in anger. Both looked at the normally happy, hyper Overlord a bit startled by her actions. "Dolly..." Valentino started, reaching for her and recoiled when she snarled at him demonically. "Don't Dolly me. You both fucked up. You think she's going to want to be around either of you now?!" She yelled at them, and shook her head. "Fuck, I don't even want to be near you two. I'm going home. If either of you touch her and hurt her before I come back. I'll personally ruin you both." She growled, her sharp teeth on display and her claws growing out before she stormed off and left. 

Vox sat in silence, he had never once seen Velvet get so upset over something. Valentino was rubbing his head and laid back on his couch. "not it." He suddenly said, making Vox's screen glitch as his head jerked to him. "What?!" Vox yelled, "I'm not going to talk to Foxie first. So go." Valentino said waving off, looking at the ceiling. Vox growled at the pimp but got up. The things he does for these two. He walked down the hall to the room that belonged to the newest addition. It wasn't only two now was it? He looked at his claws, her blood was still on them. He gently knocked on the door before hearing a sniffle and shuffling then the door jerked open. 

Candy had hoped it was Velvet, but she was greeted with Vox. She tensed a bit and stood up fully, her ears going back flat as she looked at him. Her right sleeve was fully soaked in her blood now and she hadn't bothered tending to it yet. Reminding him that while they had prepared her room. She had no first aid kit. "Follow me, I'll..I'll bandage up your arm." He said, looking at her eyes before walking off. She had half a mind to slam her door and refuse but he had already hurt her once. She sighed and followed him back to his room. Holding her arm tenderly the whole time, following him in. She jumped when the door suddenly shut and locked behind her. Her tails fluffed at the sudden action then looked at him just going to his bathroom like nothing had happened. She stood in one spot, cradling her arm close to keep the blood from dripping onto his carpet. Though, she wondered if anyone would even notice with how black it was.

"Are you coming in here or not?!" He called from his bathroom, dragging her from her dazed thoughts. She quickly walked to the bathroom, looking at his counter. He had set out several supplies to fix her arm. "Undress." He ordered, "No." She replied, causing him to pause in sorting the items and look at her. "I'm not undressing in front of you." She said calmly, trying to stand her ground. The sudden spark in her eyes, it sparked something in him. That was the look her had seen in the video feed, that fire inside her. He smirked as he turned to her, crossing his arms. "You don't have a say." He said, "Yes I do! It's my body!" She retorted to him, "My clothing." He replied smirking more. Her face went bright red at his reply to hers. Shit, had he paid for the clothing? That didn't matter! 

Her tails begun to sway behind her, they were alone. She forgot that she was in his room however. In her mind, they were alone so she could easily take him on. Angelic weapons or not. The tips of her tails began to glow blue as did her eyes, resulting in a bigger smirk from Vox. "You sure you want to do that Foxie?" He asked, flexing his claws a bit.

To Be Continued...

Next Chapter - Pain is Pleasure, right?

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