Pain Is Pleasure, Right? - Chapter 10

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The room was still, but the tension in the bathroom was thicker than ever. Vox wouldn't deny he was excited by this. She was challenging him, the meek act of her had broken. Her tails raised up slightly, glowing brighter as she watched him closely. He stood up fully and flexed his claws once more. "Think carefully now Foxie." He added, watching her growl at him. Her eyes glowed a wonderful neon blue, her wound sealed on it's own and her claws begun to extend. Vox's breath  was a bit quickened at the thought of the small battle he would get to play out with her. The idea of it, it made even his pants feel too tight in the crotch. Red drool formed on his screen, the arousing idea of fighting the kitsune getting to him.

Candy made the first move, reaching out to slash at his chest. He easily dodged such an attack, but the bathroom, while big, left little room to move much further from her. She snarled at his dodge, before blocking his own attack. A harsh punch, her arms crossed and it knocked her back into his bedroom. She skidded a few feet then grabbed his next punch and smirked at him. She jerked him forward suddenly planning to head but his screen. Only for his other hand to grab her throat. Though the motion knocked them both back onto the ground. She grunted when she hit the ground hard with him above her. He was still stunned enough by the sudden fall she turned and pinned him to the ground. His hand was pulled from her throat as she pinned him to the ground. She was breathing roughly, her hips straddling his. She smirked down at him, grabbing him up slightly before slamming him back onto the ground hard. The blunt hit made his screen go static filled, stunning him slightly. She took a deep breath, then gasped when she felt six sudden sharp pains in her sides. Three on each side, like needles sinking into her flesh. She looked down to see wires and blood seeping out the sides before a sharp jolt of electricity ran through her. Her body arched as she cried out softly at the jolt. A hand went up and gripped her throat and the jolt stopped. His screen returning to normal, his breathing had increased but his smirk was bigger. Her body was slightly numb from the shocking, his wires still dug into her sides. By now her dress had been worked up past her hips, revealing the soft lacy thong she wore under it. Her dress was bloody and torn from his claws and now his embedded wires. She was breathing just as hard as she watch him. His suit was in ruins, her blood having gotten on him. But mostly his wires having come out had caused his suit jacket to tear open. 

Both were breathless looking into each others eyes. Vox's grip relaxed around her throat but pulled her against him. Forcing her to kiss him deeply. She yipped in shock, gaining control of her limbs and grabbed his shoulders. His kiss was electric, his tongue forced it's way into her mouth. The feeling of it made her mouth tingle, bring a soft moan from her throat. The sound was truly wonderful to hear. She panted harder after he broke the kiss, watching her still trapped on his lap. "This is going to hurt." He said calmly, his wires jerking from her sides. Blood splattering out slightly from the motion, her claws digging into his shoulders. "Fuck!" She growled and he sat up fully, still holding her by her throat. "I warned you." He added, then looked over her form. 

Candy looked him over as well. Her ears dropping gently as she watched his eyes looking back into her. "I'm sorry I've put you all in such danger." She suddenly said making his eyes widen a bit then his expression softened. "I'm sorry for clawing your arm." He replied and she chuckled a bit. "I think the claws were the less of my worries." She said, smirking at him then looked at his wires. "That's not on any file I remember." She whispered, admiring the wires as they moved back to him and seemed to just vanish. "I have a lot that I'm sure isn't on any file." Vox said with a wide smirk. Candy blushed at him, feeling his hand trailing from her throat down her chest gently. She held her breath as she stared into his eyes. "I can show you all the things you haven't seen on me." He added, his bloody claws tracing his lacy thong gently. "I need you to undress anyways so I can heal your sides." He added, smirking at her. His mouth still had the drool. She knew what it was he wanted, sitting on his lap there was no denying it. She felt the bulge under her, every trembling breath she took forced her lower half to grind to him every so slightly. 

She stared into his eyes, her ears twitching a few times. Then suddenly leaned forward and kissed him again. Her mouth parting to let his electric tongue take over hers. It jolted her mouth as it explored her, she closed her eyes and gave in to him. Her tails swaying more behind her before going limp as she focused on the sweet electrifying kiss. She felt him lift her up and carry her to the bathroom, sitting her on the counter. She panted as he broke the kiss and smirked at her. He used his bloody claws to cut away the remains of her dress to see the damage his wires had done. Each side had three circle holes, slightly burned around the edges. "Guess It's a good things I was never tasked to actually kill you." Candy said, laughing a bit as she leaned back to let him examine her wounds. Her words perked his interest, looking up at her as he grabbed some rubbing alcohol. "I would have died." She added, making him chuckle hard as he started cleaning the wounds. "Ah! Fuck you!" She growled as she closed her eyes tightly. Her ears dropping flat as he continued to clean all the wounds on her sides. "Trying to inflate my ego won't make me make this less painful." He added, tossing the bloody gauze off into the trash. "No need to inflate it. It's already too big for you're head." She retorted through gritted teeth, then sighed when he started wrapping her sides. He was different than before, she wasn't sure why a simple battle had changed him from cold hearted to this. She slipped off the counter after he finished wrapping her waist and sighed a bit. "Thank you." She said softly, snatching his black robe and was about to slip it on.

"Stay with me tonight Candy." Vox suddenly said, grabbing her wrist before she could get dressed in his robe. Candy looked up at him in shock, her ears perked up at his words.

To Be Continued...

Next Chapter - To Control or not?

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