Chapter Four

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  "Karterrrr," Cj whined through the phone, I sighed. I was currently trying to find something to wear to Cj's birthday party. "Just, you should just come over nowwwww. You can borrow something in my closet" she whines again. I could practically see her pouting.
   I rolled my eyes, "no ma'am, I'm going to run some errands before I come." I repeat, I had told her this around three times already.

  She whines louder, "fine, but I'm still running my errands before I come. And I'm bringing Jungkook" I tell her, before she could respond I hung up.
  I look to Jungkook who was holding in a laugh. "What?" I question. He shakes his head, "I knew you didn't tell her I was coming." He teases, I scoff.
  "If I told her she would've freaked out, you know she has a crush on you. She says you look like some idol." His eyes widen at this and his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
  He pulls his mask up to cover his face, and he chuckles. I shake my head, "let's go" I tell him, holding my hand out to him.
  He interlocks our hands as we walk out of my house. My parents didn't mind Jungkook being around as much as we thought they would. Without the leader, he wasn't as dangerous.

"Someone asked me if we were dating at school the other day." Jungkook says, letting my hand go so we can get in the car.

    I laugh. It was common for people to make that mistake due to how close we had become. We are just comfortable around each other now, I have literally experienced hell with him.
    He smiles as I start the car and pull out of the driveway.

   I pull the car into the parking lot of Cj's favorite store and park. "We need two things from here and then we can go pick up the food she ordered" I tell Jungkook, and he nods.
     We get out and almost naturally interlock hands, I felt safer if he was physically near me, in the most platonic way possible. I went to the women's section to find the shoes Cj had been geeked about for the past week, while Jungkook went towards the jewelry. I finally got the shoes in her size and went to find Jungkook.
    His eyes were wide as he held up a bracelet which matched the one he had on. " 똑같아요 (ttoggat ayo)" he mumbles. I didn't know what he said.
I tilted my head in confusion and he widened his eyes, "ah, I said it's the same, should I get it for her?" He asks, I nod. "She's gonna freak out" I smile, causing him to blush again.

   "Do you think she'd be okay with our skin-ship, if I do confess?" He questioned. I picker my lips and shake my head, "no, but that's just something you and I will have to work on" I state.
   "But I really like her" he pouts, I rub his back, "I know Kookie, but we just have to work around the things we want. Just no more skin-ship." I say.
  His face was clear that he didn't like the idea, but it was something he had to do. "I won't confess just yet, I have something planned" He mumbles, interlocking our hands.
I roll my eyes, this kid here.

   "Noona, 난 네가 많이 좋아 (nan naega manhi joha)" He exaggerates, loudly might I add.

    I'm sure not many people understood him, but they still turned around at the sudden noise. I hit his shoulder, and make my way to the line. "Noona 가지 마 (gaji ma)" he continues.

   I pretend I don't know him, "Noona 사랑해 (saranghae)" He finally shouts. My jaw drops. I knew he was joking around, but he was being extremely embarrassing.

    "바보 그만해 (babo geumanhae)" I retaliate, finally turning to face him, "this is why I don't bring you places." I grumble, turning back around. He tries his best to contain his laughter as we finally get to the register. The cashier eyes Jungkook and I, squinting at me. "How do you two communicate?" She questions.

   She seemed to be in her 70s, and her ignorance was prominent, I hum at her, with furrowed eyebrows. "Does he like.... speak English or something?" She asks again. I look to Jungkook, and his lips are pursed. "아니 (ani)" he shakes his head. I blink at him, "나는 영어를 못해 (naneun yongoreo mothhae)" He replies.

    The woman's face scrunches up and she looks at me, "what did he say?" She asks as she scans the box of shoes and the bracelet.

  "I don't speak English" I say, I didn't elaborate on anything. I simply handed her my card and waited for the receipt."Is that what he said or..." I shrugged, "let's go", I say to Jungkook as she hands me the card and the bag.

"I see some people are just uneducated" Jungkook says, in perfect English as we walk out. I huff, and shake my head. We get in my car and I place the plastic bag in the backseat. "Food, Comida, 음식, how else can I say food?" He lists. 

   I furrow my eyebrows, my lips parted a little. I blink and then shake my head, "Whats going on up there?" I asks poking his forehead, he smiles. We make our way to the place where Cjs mom ordered the food, and I made Jungkook get out and get it alone. 

    This was his consequence for embarrassing me at the clothing store. He comes back out with two bags and three boxes full of food. "damn, she better be feeding a village" I exclaim, as Jungkook loads my backseat. 

    "Shes lucky I like her, that was heavy as hell." He  pouts, sliding in the front seat. Now it was finally time for us to go to Cjs house. Her parents were leaving for the night, but they knew she was having a party so they ordered the food. 

   I parked my car in front of her house and grabbed the two food bags. I left her gifts in the car as I would come back for it later. Jungkook lifts the boxes and follows me to the front door. I knock, and then push the door open and make my way to the kitchen, setting the food down and setting it up buffet style.

   "CJ!" I exclaim, once we are done in the kitchen. "COME TO MY ROOM!" She calls back, I turn to Jungkook. "You coming?" I ask him, and he nods placing his hands in his pockets. This side of Jungkook was still very new to me. I was used to him ready to kill, at the beck and call of his leader. 

   But now, he's an innocent looking teenager. It was almost as if he completely reset himself. We made our way upstairs and I pushed Cjs door open. She was laying on her back with her phone over her face. 

  "Hello princess" I greet, laying next to her. Jungkook sits in her office chair. "I was lonely." She pout sitting up, her eyes meet with Jungkooks as she clears her throat. "I got a call from my cousin, he said he is bringing some people, I cant remember all of their names. I know one of them, their name was Jimmy? Jaime? Something like that" She says brushing it off. 

   She eventually stands up and goes to her closet, she pulls out a blue mini dress, "This is what I'm wearing" She says, holding it up to her body in the mirror. I look to Jungkook who had pulled his mask up to cover his blush and I laugh. "Tell her shes hot" I tease, his eyes widen. I could see Cj blush in the mirror as she quickly returns the dress to her closet. 

   "Stop fooling around and come pick something out." She demands, trying to change the subject. I wasn't going to wear a dress, that all I knew. I looked through her closet and set aside some black shorts and a white tank top, and a long cardigan. It wasn't as dressed up as Cj's outfit, but then again it wasn't my birthday so I didn't really mind it that much.

     Cj began to get ready, doing her makeup and her hair, while Jungkook sat scrolling on his phone. Then the time came. 

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