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                           Nihal's P

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Nihal's P.O.V

Mr.icy blue eyes pulled me towards him and told me what I never expected to hear!

I simply left his car shocked and walked as hurriedly as possible to my home, hoping not to find Anas at home, because I knew he was going to bombard me with his needles questions. He always wanted to show protection, but that's not how brotherhood works, whatever!

I tried to open the doorknob quietly, so no one would notice the catastrophic state of which I was.
I just needed rest after today's incidents, no questions, I just needed to feel safe again.
Gladly my mom was preparing dinner while talking on the phone, Anas wasn't here either, just perfect!


I stepped into the shower, toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic floor.
My mind was in shreds, I would never get what happened today out of my mind but the sensation of the steamy water was calming me a bit.

As I cut the shower the steam was already filling the room, I wiped the mirror, and kept looking at the blue scars on my body, never have I been treated this way, look now what a stranger did to me! I hate him.

I sighed and went to my bedroom to wear something long that would cover my bruises, dry my hair, catch up my prayers, then charge my phone who was already dead.

- You didn't like today's dinner? Mom asked.

- It's perfect as always mom, I'm just tired from work, and still have to finish one of my university's project after dinner, replied with a smile.

- I'm so sorry Nihal, a twenty-year-old girl should be enjoying her university life, going out with her friends, instead, you're working for us and studying, said with her sad eyes.

- Mom stop it! You're my family, after all, the only thing I'm caring about now is your health, hospital bills won't last an eternity right ? 4 more months and it's done! Don't even think about it, I replied while giving her a big kiss on the cheeks.

We just kept talking while enjoying our dinner, it felt extremely beautiful to be beside my mom and entertain a discussion with her. It just felt so safe to be finally home, cozy and warm.

After mom and I enjoyed our cups of tea with some Moroccan sweets, each of us went to sleep, except Anas who was still outside, which made me worried as every night, I'm sure now he's into drugs stuff, let's see if he'll assume consequences of his stupid decision, thought I, while looking at our childhood's picture on my nightstand.

I turned off my lamp, and laid on my bed, letting the fresh air from my opened window reach my lungs.
The beautiful moonlighted the darkness of the sky this night, the fiery lights of the stars around it streaking across the sky in diffusing blue streaks were breathtaking!
I just wished a light would show up in my life too, I was just so tired to think about this burden, to think about work, to think about money, to think about my family, to think why Dad left us, to think about what happened today, to think about that mentally sick.....Fares.

HELL, NO NIHAL! What's wrong with you!

I shook my head to make it free from these thoughts, wrapped my body with my bed cover, and fell asleep like a baby.


I woke up with voices raising up above this beautiful Sunday morning, mom and Anas arguing, again!

I didn't have the energy to move from my bed and calm them down, fed up! Instead, I took my phone and checked it for a while, till I found a message from an unknown number :

'' Good morning young lady, Keep in mind what I told you yesterday night, it's all for your safety, Mr-icy blue eyes,,

I jumped from my bed like a freak, I couldn't believe my eyes, I read the message a thousand times, what the hell is going on again? My heart was beating so fast, my hands shaking. From where he got my number?

I'm definitely going to end up crazy because of them!

I felt like my mind was going to explode, I needed to tell someone about this, I couldn't keep it for myself.
Without hesitation, I texted my friend Amira, my one and only confidant.

I prayed my morning prayer, as usual, asked Allah to give me more patience, I can't handle this anymore, I'm getting weak even if I don't want to admit it.

I wore a pair of blue jeans with a white sweatshirt, my Bordeaux Nike sneakers combined with my Bordeaux chiffon Hijab, grabbed my keys and phone, greeted my mom and got out of the house as quickly as possible.


Once out I've let my self take a deep breath from that morning's fresh air. Spreading sunrise, pinkish glow, clouds tinted, colors spread across the sky announcing the new day, It was amazing to see.
Gladly Amira's house wasn't that far from ours, I just needed to walk for 5-7 minutes, but something was weird, I felt as if a shadow was following me!

I turned for the first time, the street was totally empty, I kept walking with caution, but I really felt as if someone was following me, I started to freak out, who could it be?


Hey angels ☺️ ,

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