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                    Nihal's P

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                    Nihal's P.O.V

On my way to Amira, I tried to walk as hurriedly as possible, I've still felt someone's presence behind me, but each time I turned, absolutely nothing!

Our neighborhood is definitely not that secure, but never have I felt someone following me.

Once the door opened I gave Amira a big hug, I missed her like a crazy, it's been days since we didn't meet, I greeted her mom, who didn't even replie back, why? She hates me, but I have manners, I have to show respect, that's how mom educated us.

- Nihal go-ahead to the rooftop darling, I'll bring our drinks and come, said Amira.

I nodded with a smile on my face and went to the rooftop of the building, my favorite place ! I've had so much memories with Amira here, the one and only beautiful memories actually !

While waiting for her I let the soft air almost sweet and floral touch my face, letting yesterday's events repeat in my mind just like a movie, still unbelievable!
I opened my eyes, Amira was still not here, but I knew she definitely was arguing with her mom about me!

The area where we lived, was a poor one.
Acquiring an education, achieving goals and dreams, being ambitious and independent, standing up for yourself, raising up your voice, speaking for your rights, didn't work here, especially for girls!

They were taught from a young age, going to school and university was a loss of time, instead, getting married and kids was a big achievement! The reason why, I was and still being hated by most of the girl's parents, they've always seen me as a danger, a danger that could change their girl's way of thinking, to take them from darkness to light!

- BHOOOOOOOO ! .... Wow not even scared, I'm disappointed now, said Amira with her puppy eyes.

- After what they made me live, not anymore.

She looked at me with a questioned face while opening our Colas.

- Look I know Anas makes you live a hard time, but stop caring girl, he's not a kid anymore, give more time to yourself, think about your own life! Look you're the only girl who made it till high school here, not only that but an architecture student, If I was at your position I would live my best life !

Indeed, she had the total right. But who talks about Anas right now!

- Girl, I didn't say He, I clearly said They!

- Look I don't know what you're talking about, it's like an enigma that I'm supposed to solve, but they ?! Tell me how many people you know in your life, 4 or 5?

- I feel offended, thanks. Replied while rolling my eyes.

- Well, that's the point darling!

Our discussion cut here, I was trying to gather all my courage and tell her about the cursed Saturday.

- So what's bothering my friend, what happened?

- Are you ready to be shocked?

- Hell yes, like never!


After telling Amira everything, I could see how shocked she was. Her eyes and her mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise, and although she was staring straight at me she appeared not to notice me at all.

- Amira? Are you still here, said to her with my hand waiving directly to her face.

- How is that even possible, Nihal I don't get it!

- I don't get it either, you know what's even worse, that night when Mr.icy blue eyes dropped me off at my house, he clearly warned me no to get out, or I'll be in danger, I was about to lose my mind, how's that even not possible not to get out? I have lectures to attend, I have wo..work.

Speaking of work, I totally forgot about it.

- You can't go back there, right?

- I definitely won't go back, I'll try to look for another one till I finish paying my mom's hospital bills, but the problem in the contract there are 4 months left, 4 more damn months Amira!

- And there's no other way to end this damn contract?

- Sadly no, it's already signed. I don't know what to do, I'm lost! Should I maybe ask Mr icy blue eyes? You know ... he sent me a message this morning, and since he was the one who warned me not to get out, he definitely knows something about it, how to make an end to all of this.

- Can you stop being naive, for the sake of God how you believed him? I can smell something fishy about him. For Fares I can somehow get it, he's the owner of that house, why you've never met him? Maybe he was abroad who knows! Why was he mad at you? He caught you trying to enter that mysterious room, he maybe didn't want anyone to see what's inside, for his own reasons. This definitely isn't an excuse to treat you that way, but at least when I think about Fares I can understand what's going on!

Hearing those words from her, made a little sense in my mind, she kind of had right.

- But the weird thing, that blue eyes man, Why he saved you? How does he know your name? Why did he warn you no to get out? From where he got your number? I can't find an answer to his actions!

- You have the full right, I sighed.

- Normally in the first place, you should've gone to the police station especially that you still have bruises in your body as proof, but I get your point, you already have enough problems in your life, no need to add another one. So my sweet Nihal, keep your life normal as it is, go to your university, for that damned work contract we'll definitely think in a solution, trust me.

- Aaaah Amira, what would my life be without you, said while hugging her as tight as possible.


After spending the whole day with Amira, she suggested to stay with her this night, the offer that I couldn't turn down. She made me feel so good this day, just what I needed! Amira's friendship and I is the friendship that makes doors in emotional brick walls, the friendship that makes everything possible.

- Want me to join you? Asked Amira.

- No need darling, I'll come back in few minutes.

Because I'm spending this night with my friend, and tomorrow will be a Monday, which means university I had to bring my charger, laptop, books, and bag for tomorrow, and I had to tell my mom too.

On my way home, it was already night, so basically, only boys were left in the streets, but no one could talk to me, they knew I was Anas's sister.

The moment I started looking for my keys, a strong hand grabbed my elbow, pushed me against the wall, put the fingers on my lips, looked directly in my eyes.
I couldn't figure out who this person was, darkness reigned all over the place.

But those eyes, I definitely knew them!


Salam alaykoum girls 🥰

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