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                        Nihal's  P

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                        Nihal's P.O.V

Those eyes, I definitely knew them, those eyes marked me a lot that day. The eyes, where no life was behind, soulless and unmerciful. Fares eyes !

He slightly moved closer with his eyes that were looking so deeply into my own. His breathing became softer, but his pensive look didn't change.

There was something about that gaze that I couldn't figure out . Once again I was mesmerized by the deep swirls of light green that colored his light brown pupils.

I tried to remove his fingers from my lips, the situation made me feel so uncomfortable, I knew I was in trouble, again, but still I had to talk.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, softly splashing water droplets hit us. Just as a drop of crystal-clear water appeared on my fragile skin, I smiled to myself. The rain was something that stopped my thoughts from buzzing, calmed me, but at the same time excited me. I stood there, my gaze burning into the horizon, staring at the beauty of the upcoming storm and the crying clouds, when I remember I was in front of this Jerk, my smile died so fast .

Even though it started to rain heavily, it didn't stop Fares from holding my right-hand wrist and fixing it against the wall.

- Move aside ! I said to him while slightly removing my hand from his, and letting a distance between us.

- Do I stress you? Replied with his ironic smile.

- Nope, every time I see you, I'm disgusted!

- Disgusted ? That's why whenever I hold you, your breathing becomes rapid and shallow, and cold sweat glisten on your face, right ? said with his smirking fake smile.

- Exactly, I don't want to be held by you, or even meet a mentally sick person like you, who torture others to feel good and superior.

I could clearly see that his facial expression immediately changed, that ironic laughter evaporated from his lips, his eyebrows curled against each other and his eyes widened with anger, jut like a weapon. If someone's eyes could kill, I would've been already dead thanks to Fares gaze!

We kept looking at each other for a few seconds under the heavy rain, I didn't know what I was supposed to do, I didn't even dare to ask him why is he here? How did he know where I live? Lots of questions started bumping up in my head, again, but I could see how angry he was. This guy must be having serious anger problems!

Abruptly he gripped my hand as tightly as he could, I felt his anger through the pressure this jerk was doing on my own hand, pulled me and walked fast, synchronized with the sound of the falling rain .

- Get in! Said while we were in front of his car as I could guess.

- Why?


- I d-don't wa-, without even letting me finish my words he threw me quickly in the front passenger seat, and locked the door in a super aggressive way on my right hand.

I screamed in pain, I couldn't feel my hand anymore, I was shaking , not only I was soaked from head to toe, and clearly caught cold, but I couldn't feel my hand anymore, I couldn't move it properly, as if it was paralyzed.

The jerk beside me kept gazing straight ahead while driving so fast, I'm sure everyone outside could hear the wild sound of his luxurious car.
Was he even aware that he is the reason of my pain? He kept driving as if nothing happened and I didn't bother to ask him where is he taking me! The pain was getting stronger and my body was getting weaker.

I could feel warm blood gushes out of the exposed wound, it slid down my hand and soaked a little bit my sweatshirt material, I can't stand blood, it scares me and makes me dizzy. As much as I tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from my throat in the form of a silent scream. Tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down my face. I feel the muscles of my chin tremble like a small child and I look toward the window as if rain could soothe me.

Out of nowhere this heartless man stopped the car in the middle of the road, cut a piece from his white shirt with his strong wrists and put pressure on my wound, without glancing at me, total negligence !

- MOVE your hand from mine, you jerk!

- Shut up ! replied while making more pressure on my hand which made blood cascade across his skin, right through his fingertips.

I could still hear people shouting from their cars and cursing him, they must've thought he's crazy just like I do, but I couldn't control my body because I was getting dizzier. Then, blackout.

                                     * * * * * *

Sunlight filled the sky, pure scattered light; its hue ambitiously illuminating each crevice of the room, the first beautiful thing I noticed once my eyes opened.

My whole body was aching, pain taking over a portion of my brain, my cheeks burning.

- Can I have a glass of water, please? I whispered to a young lady in front of me.

- Oh finally woken up! Here you are dear, while giving it to me.

- So .. what happened ? Where am I?

- I don't know what happened exactly, but Mr.Fares called me last night to take care of you, you were in a really bad state. I'm a nurse by the way, said with her beautiful smile.

Mr.Fares? Fares?! I checked the room once again, I could also see from the balcony that beautiful garden which amazed me each time. So I'm in his own house? I saw my right hand who was completely covered in a white bandage, a hospital serum in my left one. I could gradually remember yesterday's events, Damn it!

Without even properly thinking, I removed the serum from my hand, I stood up even though my body was so weak, I have to leave, I can't stand this shit anymore, I'm fed up!

- No! Please what are you doing? Miss Nihal, you're putting yourself in danger, you have to stay in bed, your body is burning because of the high fiver!

- Where are my clothes? I can't find them!

I was dressed in certain comfortable clothes, but couldn't find mine. On a black leather chair beside me, only my hijab and phone were there. I ranged my long hair in a ponytail, fixed my hijab after struggling for real with my hand, and thanked the nurse for her care.

She tried to stop me numerous times but in vain. I was determined to get out from here as soon as possible, especially after remembering what happened last night.

Once my left hand on the doorknob, someone pushed the door quickly my opposite way, then opened it.

And of course, who could it be except that Jerk!


Salam alaykoum ladies 🥰

- Don't forget to vote and comment and tell me how y'all feel ❤️

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