Chapter 3

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Jade's pov :
Dear diary,
Today was one of the hardest day today at school , I don't know what to do anymore , why can't I be like Elena.
I'm done with being compared to her.
I give up. I can't do this anymore.
Dear diary
This will be my last entry , I'm done , after dinner , I'm going down to mystic tower.
It's the best place for suicide.
It will be my place of suicide.
Good bye diary xx
Love Jade xox

Once I put my diary down , I walked down stairs and got dinner prepared.
I hope they like Chicken and salad
And for desert chocolate mouse with cream or ice cream and fruit.
* an hour later *

A few moments later the door bell rang
* deep breathes Jade deep breathes only a few more hours and it will be over * I repeated to myself
Once I opened the door , Stefan and Ric stood there with big smiles and flowers , but as soon as Stefan saw it was me his smile disappeared i guess he really hates me.
"Hey guys, come on in , JENNA and Elena will be down in a minute , I hope you guys like chicken." I said
"Of course, thank you Jade." said Ric
"Ugh chicken again , Jade is that only dish you know how to make?" He said

"I'm sorry , do you want me to go to the store and get you something else, cause I thought chicken would be alright , I mean you've never complained before , umm" I strutted
"Yeah well maybe you should of thought about that before you cooked it" said Stefan
"Stefan stop being rude , Jade put a lot of effort in making us dinner , appreciate it" demanded Alaric

"It's okay Ric , thank you , in Stefan what do you want? I'll go buy it now" I said
"No don't worry about" he grunted
"Okay , I'll go see if Jenna and Elena are ready" I said while walking upstairs

Ric's pov:
"Stefan , mate that was really rude , don't you see what you guys have done to her? She's literally trying her hardest in trying to be your friend but all you do is spit in her face and make her feel like absolute crap , Stefan , I know what you guys do at school to her , did you forget that I'm a teacher there? Stefan you , Tyler , Caroline , Bonnie and Matt pick on Jade just because she's not like Elena , did you ever think that she just wants to be herself and not Elena? Yes Elena is your girl friend but you don't treat her sister like that come mate I thought you were better than that , don't you guys see what your doing to her , you guys aren't just mentally hurting her anymore you guys are physically hurting , Stefan Jade said to the other day , she doesn't want to be at school anymore , she wants to be home schooled and all Elena , Jeremy and Jenna did was laugh in her face , Stefan if you saw her face , she was absolutely destroyed , but it wasn't a new facial expression I've seen on her, I've seen fear , pain , self hatred and tears on her face , never that face before ,it was like all her blood was drained from her body. Stefan do you not see what your doing to Jade has affected her in many ways , Stefan she's broken. You and your friends broke her." I ranted
"Ric calm down its just a little fun, chill out." he said
"Didn't any part of my rant , get into that big head of yours or not?" I asked

"Stefan , Ric, Jenna and Elena will be down in a sec. Can I get you guys anything to drink?" Asked Jade
"No thanks Jade , im fine" I replied
"Okay no worries Ric, um Stefan would you like anything?" She asked
"Nah" he replied
"Okay then , if you guys would like to have a " but before Jade could finish her sentence
Elena cut her off .

Jade Louise Gilbert // Elijah Mikaelson -COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now