Chapter 44

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Jade's pov:
"Come with me Jade" Ester whispered while we walked through the back way of the house.
Oh how I've missed this house.
"Mum what are doing? Why are you sneaking around? Why im are you hiding Elena?" I heard a voice I know to well ask softly
"Well Niklaus , this isn't Elena, nor is she Katrina or tatia. It's Jade." she said softly.
When I lifted my head , I could see klaus with tears in his eyes
"Jade? Is it really you" he asked while touching my face
"Yes Nik it's me" i said softly
"Your back. Your really here" he said while bringing me into a bone crushing hug.
"Yes Niklaus , now if you don't mind if like to go see Lijah" I said while pulling out of the hug.
"Of course Jade, this way" he said while pulling my arm with him.

Elijah's pov:
It's been a year. A year since the love of my life died.
Today we are having "a party to celebrate the life Jade had" but I think it's absolutely stupid.
Once I got down stairs , I could smell a scent that I haven't smelt since the day she left me, that's when I felt a tap on my shoulder
"Hello Elena" I said welcoming her and giving her a hug
"Um Elijah I'm standing right here" I heard a voice say behind me
"Katherine?" I sneered
"Nope guess again my love" I knew that voice to well
"Wait , no , it can't be , you died in my arms , you were dead. are you here" I stuttered
"Well my love , your mum brought me back , I'm here Lijah , I'm alive , in breathing , I'm living and I have a heartbeat well maybe not that but I'm here.
And hello Lena , my sister , I've missed and don't you ever think that I would disown you because you become a vampire , Lena I watch you suffer and I'm so sorry I wasn't here , but I'm here now and I'm not leaving." she said while walking over to her sobbing sister

Elena's pov:
She backs. My baby sister , my world , my rock ,my everything she's back and she's a vampire , I don't know I could ever repay Ester for bring back my baby sister. It's so good to breathe in her scent again, I've missed her scent so much
"I can't be..believe your here" I sobbed
"I'm here Lena , I'm here and I'm so proud of you and how strong you've been and how you've pulled through , Mum and Dad are so proud of you. Lena I love you so much" she said while rubbing my back.
"Elena why are you hugging Katherine?" I heard Jeremy ask with hatred in his voice

Jeremy's pov:
Why is Elena hugging Katherine?
"Why hello little brother" said the voice that I've longed to hear since the day she left us, but how? She was dead.
"Ja..jade" I stuttered
"Hi baby brother" she said while holding her arms out.
I couldn't resist , I ran straight in her arms and picking her up and twirling her around.
"YOUR BACK" I screamed in her ear.
"I'm back jer and I'm not going anywhere" she said while chuckling

Jade Louise Gilbert // Elijah Mikaelson -COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now