Chapter 41

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*Warning this could get very emotional*

Nobody's pov:
Once everybody arrived at the funeral place.
The ceremony started.
Elena started off with her speech

Elena's pov:
"Thank you everyone for coming out today.
I can't believe it's come down to this again, burying my baby sister, my world , my rock and now she's gone , she left me after we promised each other not to leave one another she left me.
Jade I knew you were going through a hard time with school and taking in our parents death and yet I still treated you like absolute shit , I know you forgave me, Jade I wish you were still here , so sorry" I sobbed before falling to knees
A few seconds after I fell to my knees Jeremy and Stefan came over to help me to my seat.

Jeremy's pov:
"Watching Elena break down let that hurt , but not as much as it hurts to say that my older sister is dead.
The emotional pain of realising that were not gonna wake up to that beautiful and energetic voice in the morning or the fact that we will never hear her laugh when I told her one of my stupid and idiotic jokes.
Right now I don't know I'm standing , my world was just taking away from us , from me , but I know she safe and I know mum and dad will be looking after her and making sure she's happy and I know for fact that Jade will be watching down on us all and guiding us through this though time.
I love you so much Jade" I said while walking to her coffin and kissing it.

Elijah's pov:
"This is it , I've feared this moment ever since she was born , I know Grayson would be so disappointed in me right now , I didn't do enough to protect her , like I promised , I promised I'd protect her with my life and I failed.
I failed and now she's gone.
My princess , my love , my social misfit , my perfect little angel gone.
I.. words can't express the heavy heart that is mine right now.
I...I'm sorry.
I love you Jade
Forever and always my princess." I whispered while kissing her coffin.

Jade Louise Gilbert // Elijah Mikaelson -COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now