Chapter four

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Elena's pov:
Ugh I wonder what Jade cooked for us tonight? I hope she made something nice.
Ugh I better get down there.
While walking down the stairs I could hear Jade talking , so I thought I'd cut her off
"Stefan , Ric , hello , thank you for coming tonight , take a seat , Ric Jenna will be down in a minute." i said
"Um Jade why don't you go and get us some drinks yeah!" I asked
"Of course Elena" she replied

Jade's pov:
Deep breathes Jade only a few more hours and it will all be over , you'll be with your Mum and Dad again . Just take deep breathes

"Jade , where the hell are the drinks , geez I asked for drink 10 minutes ago" yelled Elena

"Coming Elena , I'm getting the food ready , I'll be there in a sec" I yelled back
Might as well get out there before she chews my head off
"Here you guys go , umm there's chocolate mouse in the fridge for desert . I hope you guys enjoy dinner and I'll see you's after. Bye" I said while walking out the door..

Time do it
Good bye Elena , Stefan , Ric , Jenna , Jeremy , Bonnie , Caroline ,Tyler , Matt

Jade Louise Gilbert // Elijah Mikaelson -COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now