Chapter 29

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Damon's pov:
I watched my little brother strangle his girl friends sister. I didn't do anything about cause I don't like her , she's seems like a needy girl and I can't deal with needy girls.
But when I heard Ric say get your hands off my niece , I was shocked , cause just early he said that he wished Jade wasn't his niece.
Whatever that dude has serious problems.
I need a drink this is doing my head in.

Jade's pov :
Dear diary
I can't breathe properly, I think Stefan broke a wind pipe or something but I'm struggling to breathe , I can barely talk , I'm gonna go to the hospital , or maybe not they'll call the police and if sheriff Forbes comes , she'll definitely get the truth out me.
Maybe I should just go to sleep , yeah I'm gonna go to sleep.
Goodnight diary , until next time
Jade xx
*morning time*
*knock knock *
" Time to wake up Jade , school time" I heard Elena say through the door.
Once I was fully awake I pulled my outfit for the day , it was a light blue turtle neck ( to cover Stefan's hand mark's ) and black jeans .
Once I was ready I walked down stairs to see nobody here.
Great thanks for the lift Elena.
*skips walk to school *
Once I enter the school grounds, I kept getting looked at , why can't people stare at another person , as I was walking down the hall , I tired to stay away from Stefan.
When the first bell went , I have history , oh great a class with all my bully's and my twin sister who hates me , well this is going to be fun , not.
Maybe if I talk to Ric I stay outside or go sit in the principals office for the period.
"Good morning class , ah yes Miss.Gilbert what can I help you with" asked Ric
"Can I please go to the principals office for this lesson" I whispered
"Aw doesn't the little unwanted good for nothing bitch want to stay in class? What a shame.
It doesn't bother us , we will be able to breathe fresh air once your gone , you go for nothing bitch" said Tyler
"Tyler that's enough or you'll have an afternoon detention, yes Jade you may go to the principals office" said Ric

Jade Louise Gilbert // Elijah Mikaelson -COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now