Chapter 32

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Jade's pov:
"Promise me , that you'll never disappear not until the day you die of old age okay. Pinky promise me pumpkin patch please" sobbed Elena
"I pinky promise" I whispered while wrapping our pinkies together
"Princess , I have to go , but if Stefan or Damon touch you , you call me straight away okay" Elijah said while standing behind me
"Of course Lijah , I'll see you tomorrow at school okay" I whispered while hugging him

"Jade, why are you whispering?" asked Damon from up the stairs
"Well Damon , ask you "wonderful and oh so caring brother" Elena said with venom
"Lena, it's fine , what's done is done , don't give Stefan the cold shoulder" I whispered
"Okay , seriously why the fuck is she whispering it's starting to get annoying" said Damon while walking down the stairs
"I strangled her Damon , last night , I broke her wind pipe and now she's struggling to breathe so that's why she's whispering so she doesn't lose breath." said Stefan from the couch
"Oh I know you did , i saw you , I just didn't think you did it enough to break something of hers, but you did little brother , high five I'm proud of you" Damon said while high fiving Stefan
He saw Stefan strangling me and didn't bother to help, oh well looks like another Salvatore hates me.
"uh Lena , I'm gonna go see Elijah , I'm most properly gonna stay the night there , so I'll see you at school tomorrow okay." I whispered while walking out the door not before kissing her cheek goodbye
"Okay pumpkin patch , be safe and I'll see you tomorrow at school." she said while closing the door behind me.
I'm so glad Elena didn't hear what Damon said.
*phone call to Elijah*
"Lijah please come pick me up, I need you" I whispered into the phone
"Princess what's wrong? Where are you? Don't worry I'm on my way , stay still and I'll be there in a second" said Elijah while hanging up the phone.

Jade Louise Gilbert // Elijah Mikaelson -COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now