Chapter 30

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Jade's pov:
I spent the rest of the day with Mrs.Wedlock ( the principal ) .
After school , I walked to Elijah's house.
*skip walk to Elijah's house *
*knock knock *
"Ah princess , hello come in" Elijah said opening the door wider.
"Thank you Lijah, I've missed you" I whispered
"Princess what's wrong? Are you sick? You seem to be breathing heavily , what happened" he asked in concern
"Stefan strangled me last night , I think he crushed something and I can't breathe properly" I whispered out of breathe
"Come on princess , I'll take you to the hospital okay, then afterwards we will go pay mr.salvatore a visit." he said
*skip drive to hospital *
"Hello, can we please see a doctor ASAP , my girlfriend was struggled last night and is now having trouble breathing." he explained to the nurse
"She come straight through and we will get a doctor straight away" she said
"Thank you" I whispered
* 30 minutes later *
"There we go Miss.Gilbert , now I advise you to keep the neck brace on at all times, the only time you take it is for showering , sleeping and swimming , but I advise you not to swim until your neck is fully healed. Okay Jade" said the doctor
"Yes, thank you doctor" I whispered
"Your welcome , have a good day now and stay safe and remember the rules" he rumbled while we walking out the door.

Elijah's pov:
How dare Stefan strangle Jade.
"STEFAN SALVATORE" I shouted into Jade's house
"Lijah, there's no need to shout" she whispered
"I'm sorry princess, I'm just angry" I said
"Uh yes Elijah" said Stefan , who is now in front of me
"How dare you lay your dirty grubby fingers on Jade. What has she ever done to you? All she's done is welcome you into the family like she did with me and all you've done is chuck back in her face and treat her like absolute shit, complete and utter shit." I said
"What's going on here? Jade why do you have a neck brace on? You were fine last night?" Elena said
"Yeah well ask your boyfriend" I said
"Stefan? Why would Stefan know. Wait Stefan , do you know why she has a neck brace on?" Questioned Elena
"Yes. I'm the reason why she has a neck brace on. Elena I strangled her last night." Stefan said

Jade Louise Gilbert // Elijah Mikaelson -COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now