Chapter 27

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Klaus pov:
"So your saying , you'd give up your life and take your sisters spot instead of her giving me her blood?" I asked
"That exactly what I'm saying , Niklaus, I'm asking you to use me instead of Elena, I'm sure my blood will do what Elena's blood is meant to do and if I die in process the I die. I'll welcome death with open arms. Just please don't use Elena, she has a life to live , she has a boyfriend who loves her dearly and a brother/cousin who would do anything for her. As for me , I don't have anyone , only Elijah , but I know deep down in his heart he has feelings for Elena and I can't deal with being used to get to Elena anymore , so please klaus , please use my blood." She sobbed
"So this is your death wish , if you can't kills yourself you come to me , oh yeah Jade I know about you trying to kill yourself Elijah told me , Jade your willing to leave that one person who is willing to ruin his own life for you? That's selfish , get out of my face right now , I told I don't want you I want Elena , that's right I want Elena not you Elena , I was never going to use , cause of your track record , Jade your a pathetic suicidial imperfect little bitch and if you want to die then go kill yourself cause so many of us would be happy to see you dead." I shouted
"O..okay .. Um..bye" she stuttered
What have I done?

Jade's pov:
After klaus had his little out burst , I kept think about one thing he said " if you want to die then go kill yourself cause so many of us would be happy to see you dead".
I guess he was right , Elena only needs me cause I'm her shoulder to cry on or someone to rant to , Jeremy only needs me cause I never lecture him on taking drugs , Alaric only needs me cause I'm the one who gets good grades and actually listens to him , Bonnie , Matt , Stefan , Damon , Tyler , Caroline, need me so they have someone to hit, spit or verbally abuse. I'm done. Like klaus said so many of them would be happy to see me dead,

Elena's pov :
"I'm gonna go check on Jade, stay down here and make yourselves comfortable." I said while walking up the stairs.
*knock knock *
"Jade are you up? Please unlock you door" I said
"Fine whatever be that way you stupid little ungrateful bitch , don't come out." I said
After I said I turned around to see ........

*Ohh who is it? Is Damon ? Is it Stefan ? Is it Jeremy ? Or is it Jade? Who knows*

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