Big sister

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It was September, just a couple of months after I graduated high school. I had been torn between going to college or turning professional in soccer. After countless conversations with Christen, Alex, and the Chicago Red Stars staff, I made the decision to go pro. But Becca, my girlfriend, wasn't exactly thrilled about it.


Becca was coming over to my house because I had texted her saying I had something important to tell her. When she arrived, she greeted my mom and Tobin before heading straight to my room. I was sitting at my desk chair while she sprawled out on my bed, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" she asked, her tone light but her eyes searching mine.

I took a deep breath, knowing this was going to be tough. "You know how I told you I wasn't sure about going to college?"

Her expression shifted, and she straightened up slightly. "You're turning pro, aren't you?"

"Yes," I admitted quietly, bracing myself for her reaction. "I'm sorry. I know you wanted us to go to college together, but it just doesn't feel right for me. Are you mad?"

She sighed, the weight of the situation settling between us like an unspoken tension. "I-I mean, no, but... it's already hard enough for us to see each other because of soccer. What's it going to be like when I'm living across the country?"

I moved to sit beside her, the bed dipping slightly under my weight. "So, Stanford?"

"Yeah," she said softly, almost as if saying it made it more real. I flopped onto my back, and she lay down next to me, our shoulders touching.

"I mean, it could work, right? Plenty of people have done long-distance relationships and stayed together," I said, trying to sound hopeful but feeling the uncertainty in my own voice.

"I guess..." she murmured, turning onto her belly, resting her chin on my chest. "We have until September together. Let's just enjoy that time."

I glanced at her, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips. "Yeah, but after that—"

She hushed me with a kiss, her lips soft and familiar. "Don't think about that now. We'll deal with it when the time comes." I kissed her back, and we decided to distract ourselves with a few rounds of Mario Kart.

After a while, it was time to go to sleep. Becca was staying over for the night, and I think we both needed the comfort of each other's company after the day's conversation.

When I came out of the bathroom, I found Becca lying on my bed, wearing Kristie's sweater. Of all the sweaters I had, she had chosen the one buried at the back of my wardrobe. My heart skipped a beat as my thoughts drifted to Kristie. She hadn't really talked to me since the last time we spoke. We had seen each other at games when our teams faced off, but she had been distant, almost like a stranger. It wasn't the Kristie I had grown close to at camp. And honestly, it frustrated me. I missed her, but I didn't know how to bridge the gap between us. So I chose to give her space, hoping that eventually, she would come back... or at least, I hoped so.

My thoughts were interrupted by Becca's voice.


"Huh? What?"

"You tell me. You came out of the bathroom and just stood there... is it the sweater? I was freezing, so I grabbed something from your closet, and I found it. I can take it off if you want."

"No, no, don't worry. It's fine," I lied, forcing a smile as I lay down next to her, snuggling into her warmth. But my mind was elsewhere—how could Kristie's scent still cling to the sweater after it had been tucked away in my closet for days?

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