Chapter 15: Harry's Point of View

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“How long do you think she’ll be there?” Liam asked. “Quite a while most probably.” Niall said, shrugging. “Okay well perfect. So how are we going to plan this thing?” Louis asked excitedly. “I think she’ll love a surprise party.” I suggested. “She hates surprises.” Zayn said confused. “Exactly.” Louis and I exchanged mischievous looks. “Let’s do a party by the pool deck?” Niall asked. “Won’t she notice that easily?” Liam asked. “Well, why don’t we get Jay involved? He’ll just have to take her out or distract her or something and when he brings her back, it’s surprise time.” Zayn said feeling accomplished that he figured that out. “Yeah, it makes sense. I just hope she likes it.” I said. “She loved our last surprise. Besides I think she’d be upset if we didn’t do anything for her 20th birthday.” Louis said as we heard a soft knock on the door.

I opened our door to see her beautiful face. “Hello there.” I tried being my usual charming self, but somehow my charm never worked on her. “Hey guys.” She said in her usual cheery voice as she tossed her bag on her bed and sat down. She carried herself with such grace. I was glad to see her happy again. After what happened with Jay, I was scared of how dejected and sad she became. At the same time it still kind of hurt that I wasn’t the one who could make her happy. “Enjoy spending time with him then?” Louis being as cheeky as always. “Of course, except he told me something that made me feel even worse for him.” She had a serious look on her face.

“What?” I asked in anticipation, sitting on the bed across from her. “He told me that his mum had recently died from Cancer.” She looked down at her feet. Admittedly I do like Jay because he seems like a great guy and of course I feel sorry for him. I would never want anything like that to happen to my mum. “Shame man. That’s horrible.” Zayn almost gasped as we hummed in agreement. “I know. Well I'm really tired so you wouldn’t mind if I took a small nap would you?” She asked yawning and lying back on her bed. “No, that’s perfect.” Of course I had a mischievous grin on while saying that. “Why?” She opened one eye and looked at me suspiciously. “No reason we just wanted you out of our hair for a while.” Liam smiled. “What? Liam?!” She gasped knowing that he is always the kindest to her.

“Relax. We just wanted to go out for a bit.” Niall cheered and like the rest of us waited for her reaction. “Without me?” She pouted, making her look even cuter. “What part of we want you out of hair don’t you understand? Geeze!” Louis groaned and held back a laugh after. “Lou? Guys? You know what, fine! Leave! I need my alone time to!” She shouted and playfully covered her face with a pillow. “Goodbye Dee!” We said in unison walking out the door as pillow merely missed us. “Idiots.” She murmured as I smiled and shut the door. We didn’t want to get away from her. We just wanted to share our plans for her birthday with Jay.

“Jay, you in there?” Niall knocked. “Yeah, wh- Oh hey it’s you guys.” He smiled letting us in. “How you feeling, mate?” Liam asked. “He’s fine.” Louis answered for him just to tease because even if he weren’t well, there was no way he’d tell us. “I really am fine.” He laughed gesturing for us to sit as we did. “So what’s up?” He smiled. “Well you see Diana’s birthday is in a week.” Liam started. “So we thought we’d throw her a surprise party.” Niall grinned. “A pool party to be specific.” Zayn continued. “But she doesn’t know how to swim.” Jay said. Ah, smart Aleck isn’t he? We shared worried looks, knowing that we didn’t think this through. “Agh. Well she won’t be doing the swimming then.” Louis shrugged.

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