Black Rose | Season 2 | part 1

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[ Author's note: right after the day you went to the amusement park Taehyung left the city for a few days for some personal motives and you couldn't even contact him so he didn't know about your and Jungkook's relationship ]

School - during a test

"Yaah... Y/N ahh..." Jungkook whispered behind you. You just ignored him. "Pssst..." he said tugging your hair "stop Kook!" you whispered back loud enough for him to hear "help me" he said, you shook your head "please!" he begged, "NO!" you said loud enough for him to hear again, but this time Mr. Lee heard it too. "Miss Y/N, please go to the detention room. Right now" he instructed, you didn't even bother to talk back, he would have made the detention longer , so you just nodded and left.

Soon Jungkook followed you in the hallway "Kook go back to class!" you told him "but baby he sent me to detention too

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Soon Jungkook followed you in the hallway "Kook go back to class!" you told him "but baby he sent me to detention too..." he said "why?" you asked "I kind of accidentally sang the 'you can't stop me loving myself' part at the top of my lungs right after you left" he smirked. He put his arms around you and smiled "let's skip for today" he suggested "Koo are you crazy?" you yelled at him "yeah, ever since I met you" he winked "NO! Don't start that with me! I don't want to get in trouble!" you declined "pleeeeeaase" he pleaded "Koo I already said no. A no is a no. If you really wanna skip school, do it on your own" you said "please Jagi, just this once. I promise!" he pouted at you "NO" you firmly said "oh come on! I have my own ways you know!" "I'm not coming with you and that's it-" you were soon cut off by Jungkook grabbing you and pulling you onto his shoulder "Kookie put me down immediately! Ahh stop!" you yelled, hitting his back with your fists "shhh... we'll get caught" he silence you. He sneaked you outside using the school back door and once you were out he pecked your cheek and said "thank you for agreeing beautiful" you scoffed "I never agreed to this" he grabbed your hand and pulled you to his car, he opened the door for you but you pushed him away "I'm going back inside" you said. He slammed both his hands on the car trapping you in the middle of his arms, he leaned his face closer "either you go in the car or you go on the car" he said with a serious look, you sighed and got in.

He drove the both of you to the mall, he bought you and himself new clothes to wear instead of your uniforms

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He drove the both of you to the mall, he bought you and himself new clothes to wear instead of your uniforms. You walked around the mall holding hands and eating ice cream, you watched a movie, went to the arcade and ate at a pizzeria. You had to admit that you were enjoying he time "isn't it fun?" he asked, you smiled "fine" you gave in, he pecked your forehead "well, now you owe one Jagi! Help me on the test next time" he smiled but then his smile faded away straight away and pulled you in a corner. "What are you doing Koo?" he put his hand on your mouth to quiet you, you were so confused at the moment. He then took your hand and started walking towards the exit when you bumped into someone "sorry sir" "Y/N? Jungkook?" "Tae!" you exclaimed "what are you doing at the mall at this time? Aren't you two supposed to be at school?"

 He then took your hand and started walking towards the exit when you bumped into someone "sorry sir" "Y/N? Jungkook?" "Tae!" you exclaimed "what are you doing at the mall at this time? Aren't you two supposed to be at school?"

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"Taehyung why don't we get out of here first huh?" Jungkook seemed a little frustrated "yeah let's go". Once you got outside you asked Jungkook "what happened inside Koo!" "I uh I saw-I saw one of our teachers! Yeah I saw our Science teacher, she has a day off today, right?" "oh ok then" "you didn't answer my question" Taehyung stood in front of me, he was acting like an overprotective brother "Mr. Lee sent both of us to detention so we decided to skip school" "what if your mother finds out about this? Will she be happy knowing her daughter sneaks out of school?" "hey stop it man! I brought her here even if she didn't want to in the first place and why are you behaving like this?" "I'm just concerned about her Jungkook! And why did you bring her here if she didn't want to, you can't force her!" "LISTEN I'M HER BOYFRIEND AND I CAN BRING HER ANYWHERE I WANT TO AN-" "STOP IT! Just stop it for God's sake!" you yelled "sorry Y/N" Taehyung apologised "sorry Jungkook, I didn't mean to argue-" Jungkook hugged Taehyung making you sigh in relief "it's fine Taehyung". "I think we should go home" you suggested, they nodded and with that the three of you got into the car. Jungkook was driving while you and Taehyung were in the passenger seats "weren't you supposed to come two days later" Jungkook asked "yeah but I managed to handle the situation in a short period of time" "wait so you knew he was going somewhere, why didn't you tell me anything?" "you never asked me Jagi" he winked. "And you Mr. Taehyung couldn't you call me at least once, you just left a post it on the bedside table saying you won't be in city for a few days and that we might not be able to contact. Do you have any idea how worried I was and how much I missed you?" "Aww I missed you too my little Y/N, come here" he pulled you into a warm hug. Soon you arrived at your building "Jungkook you can drop me here too, I actually need to get my jacket I left last week and then Y/N and I also have our shifts" "okay, see you later". You got out of the car, Jungkook lowered the side window and faced you "I'll see you tomorrow baby" he smiled, he was being so adorable, you leaned closer and pecked his lips "I love you" you whispered as you pressed your forehead against his "I love you too" he whispered back "now go" he smiled.

 You got out of the car, Jungkook lowered the side window and faced you "I'll see you tomorrow baby" he smiled, he was being so adorable, you leaned closer and pecked his lips "I love you" you whispered as you pressed your forehead against his "I ...

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You and Taehyung got inside "so you and Jungkook..." "yep" "is there something wrong?" "n-no, it's just- h- nothing, n-nothing" "by the way, Jimin and I are in the same Maths class for this semester and he said he'd like to have you with us?" "r-really?" "no, but you should have seen your face?" you started laughing "haha so funny, now get your lazy ass up, we have to go to work".

" "yep" "is there something wrong?" "n-no, it's just- h- nothing, n-nothing" "by the way, Jimin and I are in the same Maths class for this semester and he said he'd like to have you with us?" "r-really?" "no, but you should have seen your face?" y...

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?'s POV

*on the phone*

"SHE MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN THIS! SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! You wanted the painting, right? I found it but first you have to help me destroy him, get it?"
"Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, JEON JUNGKOOK! I suffered every single second in my life, now it's your time."

Continues ...

𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙚 ~ 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 (𝙎𝙎)Where stories live. Discover now