Excalibur x Reader x Rhino: Bless Our Souls Pt. 2

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Excalibur x Reader x Rhino: Bless Our Souls Pt. 2

Gender: Female


Rhino and I laid on the bed. Rhino was fast asleep, his arm resting on my waist. On the side facing the window, I stayed awake, watching stars float still. In the distance, an orbiter was visible. The orbiter was keeping the same distance for a long while. Even while Rhino and I were keeping busy. I noticed it when I accidentally opened one of the blinds.

I sighed, then adjusted myself to face the ceiling. Alpha and Delvin were fast asleep as well by the fish tank. I heard them purr and snore peacefully. Then, I felt Rhino's hand slide onto my chest. I smiled, gently holding his hand.


I stood against the wall with my arms crossed. Umbra stood next to me, with an unpleasant feeling radiating from him. We were on Cal's orbiter and Umbra wasn't too happy being in here, knowing that (Y/N) wasn't on the orbiter anymore. He gave me a low growl, telling me, in his own way, that he wanted to leave. "No," I told him, "He asked for help, and we're going to help him."

"I won't help someone who disposes someone else like trash."

"I know what he did was shit but he's a Tenno and so are we. The Lotus would've wanted us to help him, even after what he did."

He gave me another growl. I looked back at Excalibur and his new Operator, a young, beautiful girl named Josephine who spoke with a noticeably French accent. I made my way closer to them, Umbra following right behind me, and saw their navigator. Much of the available missions were covered, like many other Tenno and their Operators had their missions covered and completed. I looked up out the window, seeing the gassy surface of Jupiter and its many moons. Off to the side, I saw another orbiter, one that looked like Rhino's ship. Umbra nudged me hard, signaling that he had spotted Rhino's orbiter as well. I grabbed Umbra from the wrist and dragged him back into the ship.

"What exactly do you want to do, Umbra?" I asked, lowly.

"Go to her, see if she is alright."

"She is alright. The Lotus told us herself."

"Bullshit!" Umbra shouted, punching the wall beside us, leaving a rather large dent on the metal frame. He paused for a moment as we heard the footsteps of Josephine stopping in our frame of view. "Is everything alright?" she asked.

"I need to hear that from (Y/N)," Umbra said quietly.

"We're fine, Josephine," I told her as I stared coldly at Umbra, "You and Excalibur will need to find someone else for help. Umbra and I are leaving." I looked at her, with my finances and resources up in view, requesting to be approved for a transfer, from me to her. "I'm sorry for the damage my warframe caused to your orbiter."

Josephine opened her own finances and resources, accepting the request. "Safe travels."

I bowed my head as Umbra and I teleported to our ship. I stepped away from Umbra as soon as we arrived on the ship. "You've gone some fucking nerve," I snapped.

"I want to protect her, I need-"

"No. You don't need to. (Y/N) is strong and you know that. And hurting Excalibur, someone she was deeply in love with, won't change anything. You, out of all people, know this, especially this."

"You knew, that she...?" Umbra began to question.

"Everyone knew. Everyone knew she was in love with him and he was with her. We saw it in their eyes, in their smiles. We saw how inseparable they were. It was a lot more than us and other Operators and their Frames."

I began to shake my leg and flick my fingers against each other, in an attempt to control my frustration.

"I know she's like a daughter to you," I began, "and I understand the want to protect her. I really do." I paused for a moment, watching Umbra walking to the Navigator. "I know you're not ready. She might not be either. But one day.." I walked up beside him and dug my hand into his. "One day, you will be, and so will she. She just needs time."

"How much time?"

"Don't know. She'll let us know. Maybe."


I snuck through the crowd as the speaker continued on with their speach, trying no to be seen by Sonya or her Warframe. I looked up to her on a flight of curved stairs, opposite of Umbra, who stood on his own set of stairs with other Frames. She scanned through the crowd, seamingly looking for me. Part of me was happy she hadn't just yet. At least I would've been if I didn't feel myself be pulled apart on the spot and be put back together right next to her. I felt my heart race and nearly began to hyperventilate.

"Oh, calm down. You've been through that before," said Sonya lowly.

"Not against my own free will," I retorted softly.

"You're late. Where were you?"


"Hm... You'll be getting my son's tasks from now on."

"What happened with Caesar?"

"He created a new timeline, as instructed."


"He fell in love."

I looked up, feeling as if there was more than just 'falling in love'. Sonya moved back and walked up the stairs.

"Come on," she instructed.

The tone in her voice changed. She sounded much like a mother at first, than... indifference. We stopped in front of the speaker with a mantle in his hands and up in the air.

"This mantle represents so much," he began, "It is a symbol of every past, present, and future, of what was, what is, what could be, and what could've been." The speaker began to lower the mantle. "Caesar Chappell wore this and provided many new histories and possibilities." He turned to be and placed the mantle over my shoulders. "And now, (Y/N) (L/N) holds this honor." The speaker smiled, "Wear it well, Miss (L/N)."

I nodded and followed Sonya into the hall behind the speaker, through the large doors at the end of the hall. In the other side of the doors were several dozens of Operators with mantles on their shoulders as well. As I looked around, I felt a heavy hand land on my shoulder. 

"Think we can do this?" Rhino asked.

"Are you implying we can't?"

"Maybe," he shrugged.

"You ass," I laughed.

Sonya laughed as I smacked Rhino's hand off my shoulder.

"Come on, you two. Might as well go and start your very first assignment.

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