Taco clues

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When Kerry and I walk through the door, we see Caitie waving her hand fast and smiling at us. We see Johnny also sitting across from her. "Hey guys!" Caitie says. "Hi." Kerry and I say lowly. "What have you guys been up to today?" Johnny asks. "Nothing! Absolutely Nothing!" Kerry says shaking her leg and hand on her mouth, almost spilling the big smoothie secret. "Oh okay then." Caitie says. "What did you guys do?" Kerry says playing it cool. "Oh," Caitie says, not expecting that question, "Well I came here and ate about twelve tacos. They are so delicious!" Caitie says while holding her thirteenth taco. "But eating a lot of tacos and stuff here are unhealthy and can make you fat." I say. "Well," Caitie says a little shocked by the question, "I have been eating a lot and it hasn't affected me." Caitie finishes. "You think?" Kerry says looking at her stomach. Her stomach is kind of showing out of her shirt. I could tell she was fatter than her normal figure. Kerry does a fake laugh and says, "I mean... You look great." "You hesitated," Johnny says raising an eyebrow. "No. No I didn't." Kerry says staring Johnny in the eye. Caitie then says, "Well I feel really great. Super thin actually." Kerry and I look at each other and then at her stomach. "Yea, totally." Kerry says sarcastically. I hit Kerry in the arm with my elbow. "Ow! What was that for?" Kerry says rubbing her arm. I raise my eyebrows and shake my head toward Caitie and Johnny. "Oh!" Kerry says. "I feel strong and thin too." Johnny says proudly. "One second guys, Kerry and I have to use the bathroom." I say and I grab Kerry out of the booth. "Woah!" Kerry says. "Come on." I say. We are then in the bathroom talking about Caitie and Johnny. "CAITIE GOT SUPER FAT!" Kerry says almost shouting, "So did JOHNNY!" Kerry finishes. "I know!" I say whispering, "Just lower your voice." "Oh yea, sure." Kerry says. "They think they are super thin." Kerry says waving her hands in the air. "Maybe it is a side affect of the tacos." I say. "Maybe." Kerry says squinting and pointing at me. "Let's go back and talk with them more. Maybe we will get more clues." I say. "Taco clues." Kerry says correcting me. "Okay taco clues." I say. "Let's go." Kerry says grabbing my arm getting pay back from before. "Pay back!" Kerry says. "Ha Ha Ha." I say sarcastically.

When we get back to the booth, Caitie and Johnny aren't sitting here but they are ordering more tacos. "They are ordering more tacos." Kerry says freaking out and whispering. Kerry and I sit in the booth and wait for them. When they come back, Kerry right away says, "You guys got more tacos?" "I got a burrito," Johnny says pointing at his burrito. "It is still basically the same thing." Kerry says putting her hands on the table. Johnny replies, "There is a difference. A taco-," "I know the difference Johnny. I was just being sarcastic." Kerry says. "I got another taco. Fourteen for me today and it is not even 4:30! More tacos for me!" Caitie says happily. Kerry and I look at each other. "Another ten pounds for you guys." Kerry mumbles with her teeth shut and looking at me wide eyed. "What did you say?" Caitie says. "Oh nothing. Nothing at all." Kerry says with her hands folded, holding her head up. "How come you guys are almost the only people in town that didn't try Paco's tacos?" Johnny asks with his mouth full. Kerry then turns her head quickly and stares at me, waiting for me to answer Johnny. "Um," I say pausing shrugging my shoulders at Kerry, "We just never got the chance to." I say making up an excuse. "Oh okay." Johnny says and then goes back to eating his burrito. "Phew." Kerry mumbles and wipes her forehead that wasn't really sweaty. "Anyway, I feel so thin and healthy that I can run a race. Maybe beat you Carly." Caitie says laughing. "No one can beat Carly," Johnny says pausing, "She is on the track team, volleyball team, softball team, and jump rope team." Johnny finally finishes. "It's true ," Kerry says, "Even I can't beat her and I'm in all the teams with her!" Kerry says. "I know," Caitie says, "Because Johnny and I do all of that too." "Oh yea. Of course!" Kerry says. "You're fast Caitie, but Carly is faster."
Johnny says in his opinion. "Oh yea," Caitie says, "I challenge Carly to a friendly race. Just right after I finish this taco." Kerry and I almost burst into laughter. Then Kerry says, "Isn't Josefa, the girl from our class, on all those teams also?" Kerry asks. "Yes except the volleyball team." Caitie says pointing at Kerry and holding her taco. "She's nice." I say. "Yea she is." Kerry, Caitie, and Johnny say at the same time. Then we all laugh. We are the greatest friends in town. "Anyway," Johnny says, "Are we ready to have the friendly race?" Johnny asks eagerly. "Yes I'm ready. Are you Caitie?" I ask nicely. "Yup. Good thing I wore my favorite pair of sneakers today." Caitie says. Kerry and I jump out of the booth quickly. Caitie and Johnny are stuck and it takes them a minute to get out. The reason is- Because of all the tacos and their weight gain. "Ready?" I say. "Ready!" Caitie says almost out of breath from just getting up from the booth. "Come on let's go!" Johnny says. When we are outside we stand right next to the tree which is right next to Paco's. "To the tree then the fire hydrant then back." Kerry says, pointing to each direction. "That's easy! I can run that in a minute!" I say. "Not if I run it in a second." Caitie says with a smile. "I'll keep track of time on my new watch. It's cool isn't it?" Johnny says proudly displaying his watch. "Yea, yea super cool," Kerry says sarcastically, "Can we start the race now?" Kerry asks with her arms folded. "Oh yea of course." Johnny says looking at Kerry then at Caitie and I. Johnny says, "On your marks, get set-," "GO!" Kerry exclaims, cutting Johnny off. I sprint off and I'm close to the fire hydrant. "Go Carly!" Kerry says clapping her hands, "Caitie is right behind you!" I slightly turn my head to see Caitie struggling, almost out of breath, and is way behind. Usually Caitie is faster than she is running now. I cross the hydrant then start toward the tree again. Caitie hasn't even past the hydrant yet. I finish and Kerry says, "That was a close race." "No it wasn't!" Johnny says correcting Kerry, "Caitie didn't even pass the hydrant yet. This race is really easy, I don't know why she is doing so poorly." Johnny finally finishes. We then see Caitie stop and sit down on the ground. She lies down in the grass. "Are you okay?" Kerry asks worriedly. "Yea, I- just- feel- a- little- out- of- breath." Caitie says pausing through each breath. "I- usually- do- better- than- that." Caitie says still panting. "Do you want some water?" I ask her. "Yes, and I'll probably get another taco. All that running made me hungry." "You didn't even run!" Kerry says loudly, "And you just ate a taco. Aren't you full?" Kerry asks. "No I'm starving!" Caitie says. "Me too!" Johnny says, "And I didn't even run." "But it's only 4:00." Kerry says checking her watch. "Snack time!" Caitie says licking her lips. Caitie tries to get up but she can't really because she is, well- fat now. "Can you guys help me up please? I can't do it!" Caitie says. "Sure," we say. We get her up but she got really heavy. She is usually the same weight as me. But now she is twice the weight. "Thanks guys!" She says, "Johnny want to get a taco?" She asks. "Yea sure, but I'm getting a burrito." Johnny says. "We'll catch up with you guys later." Caitie says. "That's if you can keep up." Kerry mumbles and laughs under her breath. I hear her so I giggle almost bursting into laughter. "What?" Caitie asks cluelessly. "Nothing." Kerry says almost laughing again. "Alright we'll see you later." Johnny says and they walk away. "Kerry that was hilarious but sort of mean at the same time." I say laughing. "Yea, but you have to admit it was pretty hilarious." Kerry says laughing too. "Anyway, Caitie was slow, and now there eating more of Paco's food!" I say. "I know what are we going to do?" Kerry asks. Just then, a girl that is, well, fat comes up to us. It takes Kerry and I just a minute to realize that it is--- Josefa! "Josefa?" Kerry and I ask very confused. "Hey guys! What's up?" Josefa says kindly. "What happened to you!!!" Kerry exclaims. "I'm sorry. I'm confused. What do you mean?" Josefa asks very confused. "Kerry," I mumble and hit her in the arm with my elbow. "Carly! Stop doing that!" Kerry says. "One second, Josefa." I say and we walk a couple of steps away. "Why are you keep doing that?" Kerry asks with almost tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry Kerry, I didn't mean to hurt you but you just can't say Josefa is fat, okay? Please forgive me, I'm sorry!" I say begging for forgiveness. "It's okay. It didn't really hurt anyway. But I'm sorry for saying that to Josefa." Kerry says. "Alright let's talk to Josefa, maybe we can get more clues." I say. "Okay." Kerry says happily again. "Do you want to go in for a taco?" Josefa asks. "NO!!!" Kerry screams shaking her head. "Huh? You don't want a taco. You should try them. My dad makes them. I'll but them, it'll be on me, on the house!" Josefa says happily. "Kerry just act natural." I whisper to Kerry. "Got it." Kerry whispers back. Kerry says random things that are in the top of her head, "I'm sorry but Carly and I are going to see a movie; no to the park; no to the mall; no to the zoo; no..." "We are going to roller blade." I say calmly, cutting Kerry off. "Yes that's exactly what we are doing." Kerry says pointing to Josefa. "Okay but if you want to come for dinner, since it is only 4:15. If you want just text me." Josefa says and walks sluggishly away. "Phew. I almost blew it!" Kerry says wiping her forehead- that is not sweaty at all. "No kidding!" I says teasing Kerry. Then we run back to her house as fast as we can.

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