Taco-lypse is coming soon!

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We are then at Kerry's house. Her mom tells her that she, Kerry's father, and Kerry's sisters will be going to Paco's. "Okay. I'll just eat something healthier." Kerry says. "What?" Her mom asks. "I mean, I'll eat something else." Kerry says. "Okay see you later sweetheart." "Bye mom!" Kerry says waving her hand as the car rolls out the drive way. She then turns to me and says, "That was a close one!" "It sure was! Now let's get the clues and put more clues together!" I say. "Okay! To my basement!" Kerry says pointing. We then sit there in her basement putting more clues together. "Wait I have one question!" Kerry says raising her hand. "What?" I ask. "Will the people who are fat," Kerry pauses and laughs hysterically then continues, "Will they still be fat after they drink the smoothies or will they be back to normal?" Kerry asks curiously. "Um, I think they would still be fat." I say. "Okay so they have to lose the weight all by themselves." Kerry says. "Yes! I'm going to start a work out team! It will be called Carly and Kerry's work out!" I say excitedly. "What about Kerry and Carly's work out?" Kerry asks. "Well you chose Kerry's berries. With the help of my great friend Carly. Besides do we have to worry about that now?" I ask. "True, I did get to pick one sign. And you're right we don't have to worry about that until after the taco-lypse!" Kerry says calmly. "Wait! What's a taco-lypse?" I ask curiously. "Oh, a taco-lypse is a apocalypse with taco lovers! Paco is planning to have a big taco-lypse with everyone wanting tacos! I saw him have a red button with a piece of paper that read, "Push when taco-lypse is ready to begin." Kerry ends with a smile. "Wait! Why didn't you tell me this before?" I ask Kerry loudly. "Um, because I forgot to tell you." Kerry says lowly and her eyes almost shut. "Where did you see the button?" I ask her. "I saw the button behind the counter. I dropped my quarter and it rolled to the counter. On the bottom shelf I saw it. Then Paco looked at me with his weird suspicious face. I grabbed my quarter and went back to the booth." Kerry said. "Where was I?" I asked. "In the bathroom." Kerry says. "So you had that whole story and you remember every detail?" I ask. "Yup!" Kerry says. "Oh I forgot to mention in the my story, that Paco is starting the taco-lypse on 'Taco Tuesday' which is the June 14th. Today is the 7th. We have a week!" Kerry says excitedly. "Only a week! We better start making more smoothies!" I say. "You got that right!" Kerry said. Kerry asks me to sleepover. I text my mom and tell her I'm going to sleepover. I say to Kerry "I'll be right back. I'll go around the corner to my house and get my iPad and pajamas." "Okay." Kerry says. I quickly run, get my stuff, and come back. "It's good we are having a sleepover so we can figure this out more." I say excitedly. "I know it'll be so fun!" Kerry says clapping her hands. We talk for an hour on what to do. That's when Kerry's family walked in. "What happened to you guys?!?" Kerry asks loudly waving her hands. "What are you talking about honey? We are perfectly fine! Oh hello Carly, how are you dear?" Kerry's mom says nicely. "I'm fine. How are you Mr. and Mrs. McLain? Hey Angela, Hey Emma." I say. "Hi Carly!" Kerry's sisters and parents say happily. I look at Kerry's face. She is taking deep breaths. So am I. Her family ate so many tacos! "We will be upstairs if you guys need anything. Do you girls want dinner?" I can order tacos now." Kerry's mom asks. "NO!" Kerry and I shout shaking out heads. "Okay, Okay." Her mom says, "Well do you want anything?" Her mom asks. "Not right now, mom." Kerry says trying to make her leave the room. "Okay then! Have fun girlies." Kerry's mom says leaving the room. "My family ate so many tacos!" Kerry whispers. "I know. I wonder how my family is?" I say wondering. "Probably like mine." Kerry says with a little disappointment in her voice. "Okay so now we have some clues." I say. "Yes totally. What are they again?" Kerry asks, "Wait I remember!" "Yea, one clue is that people think they are thin but are really fat." I say. "Yes! That is one." Kerry says pointing at me. "Then you told me about a taco-lypse." I say pointing at Kerry. "Yes I did!" Kerry says very proudly. "On Taco-Tuesday." I say adding. "Yea." Kerry says. "We have one week. How are we going to do this?" I ask freaking out a little. "Why don't we calm our heads and figure this out slowly. Take a deep breath." Kerry says with her eyes closed taking a deep breath. I just stare at her and wait for to exhale that deep breath. "Okay, so we have the smoothies and the stand right?" Kerry asks me calmly. "Yea." I say slowly. "So on Taco-Tuesday we can set up the stand near Paco's." Kerry says sounding like she solved the problem. "But what if people riot and try to hurt us." I say. "What do you mean?" Kerry asks. "You said it's a taco-lypse. Wouldn't people be like taco lovers and rampage through the streets wanting tacos?" I ask Kerry. "Well, if you put it that way it does sound dangerous." Kerry says. I say, "So maybe we can set the stand..." "Maybe we can set the stand farther away so we won't get trampled." Kerry says cutting me off. "Sure." I say. "Let me get my white board to write all of this down." Kerry says. "Okay." I say. When Kerry comes back she starts writing then says, "Oh again I forgot to tell you that Paco is going to have a taco gun." Kerry says. "What?!" I ask loudly. "Yea sorry I forgot to tell you." Kerry says, her cheeks turning red. "I don't care about you not telling me," I say, "Phew," Kerry says, "I just want to know where you found out about the taco gun." I say. "Oh. Well I saw it with the piece of paper and button." Kerry says. "Oh. Well what does the taco gun do?" I ask Kerry curiously. "It shoots out tacos into people's mouths. Since it will be Taco-Tuesday, I guess he wants to shoot tacos at everyone." Kerry says calmly. "Wow!" I say. "What are we going to do? Paco can shoot tacos in our mouths. One bite and we're goners." I say worried. "Yes, but I was planning a berry gun or a smoothie gun. Which ever one works better." Kerry says. She draws the berry gun on the white board and shows me how she planned it. "That will be so cool! I can have one and you can have one!" I say excitedly. "We can be berry ninjas!" Kerry says laughing. I join in with the laughter. Then I say, "So, the berry gun? Would we have to get a bunch of berries?" I ask curiously. "Well first let me draw the smoothie gun." Kerry says. "Remember it only takes one sip of our smoothie to cure a taco-lover." I say. "Well what I was thinking is we can have both guns. A mini hand gun, which will be the berry gun. The bigger gun will be the smoothie gun." Kerry says. "So we can fill the smoothie guns with our smoothies. It should only shoot one squirt to cure a taco-lover." I say. "Correct and we can fill the berries with the smoothie." Kerry says excitedly. "Okay." I say. "But can we still have the stand?" Kerry asks, while her cheeks get red again. "Sure why not." I say. "So we can call the smoothie gun 'The Smoothie Shooter'." I say. "And the berry gun, 'The Berry Blaster'." Kerry says with amazement mixed in her voice. "That sounds great." I say. "Really? Thanks. I knew it sounded good." Kerry says proudly. We then relax and watch a movie and play games. Then we fall asleep.

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