Secret recipe for the antidote!

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Kerry and I rush back to Kerry's house into Kerry's room. Kerry's parents and siblings went out for.... tacos! So did my family. "How are we going to stop this?" Kerry asks. "Well," I reply hesitantly,"We have to make something healthy, right?" "Yea that sounds good," Kerry says relaxing. "How about a little bit of chemistry knowledge?" Kerry asks. Since Kerry and I are in the same chemistry class and both have a high grade, maybe Kerry was on to something. "Yes, but we have to make an experiment first." I reply. "Okay," Kerry says, "Got any ideas?" She says. "Well what is the one thing we both love?" I say to Kerry with a raised eyebrow. "Volleyball?" Kerry asks cluelessly. "No, but we love," I say trying to make Kerry finish the sentence. "Um, oh SMOOTHIES!!!" Kerry exclaims. "Bingo," I say. "So we can make chemistry smoothies?" Kerry asks. "Sort of," I reply, "We have to make an antidote for the smoothie." "Oh! Good, and I have some fresh grown berries and fruits in my backyard to make all the smoothies. Don't worry about buying all the fruits from the store, it'll be on me." "Great, first let's get our chemistry books." "Yay." Kerry says. When we come back we bring all of our chemistry books from volume one to four. "Okay, which volume has the food molecules section in it?" Kerry asks. "I think volume 3, chapter 4, page 100, paragraph 3." I reply. "Wait," Kerry pauses, can you repeat that?" Kerry says laughing. I laugh too. "Volume 3," I say. "Got it." Kerry says. "Chapter 4," I say. "Okay," Kerry replies, "page 100 and paragraph 3." I finally end. "Okay, I found it!" Kerry exclaims. "What does it say?" I ask Kerry. "The title says, 'Ways to reverse'." Kerry replies. "Great. What does it say?" I ask Kerry. "We need a mixture, just as you thought." Kerry replies. "Good," I reply, "What does the mixture contain?" I ask. "Well," Kerry says straightening her back and clearing her throat, "It contains two teaspoons of hydrogen or water, one cup of baking soda, half a cup of boiled water, two cups or organic mixed berries, and four cups of pomegranate to reverse." Kerry says laughing about the pomegranate. "It makes seven cups of it. So we can make seven smoothies at once." Kerry says. "We also have to lowly bowl it to mix it." Kerry finally finished. "So what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I say to Kerry.

We go into Kerry's backyard to her garden. She has freshly grown fruits and veggies. "Oh I was thinking," Kerry says, "We should set up a stand for the smoothies. Do you know what we should call it?" Kerry says smiling wide. Kerry wanted to open up a smoothie stand to earn money for things she wants to buy. "Don't say it," I look at Kerry pointing my finger. "Too late, KERRY'S BERRIES!!!" Kerry exclaims with her hands in the air. "Okay fine." I reply. "I'll put your name on the side, since I already made the sign." Kerry says. "Why did you make the sign?" I ask get with raised eyebrows. "Just in case we opened one. I'll put Kerry's Berries and on the side I'll put with the help from my best friend Carly. Does that sound?" Kerry finishes. "Good. Can we just make the smoothies?" I say to Kerry. "Yea, sure." Kerry says calmly. "Okay ready to start?" I ask Kerry. "Let me just get my stand and the sign." Kerry says clapping. After three minutes of Kerry digging through her room to get the stuff she rushed back and says, "Okay ready!" I laugh and then we get into the garden.

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