2: Tae's PJs

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Taehyung's POV

'Finally I'm done with unpacking'  I though to myself as I look at the clock that reads 10:54pm. I was hungry and I hoped Jungkook made some food for me. I was uncomfortable with my clothes so I decided to strip into my PJs, oblivious to the eyes on me. 

Jungkook POV

I was about to knock on Taehyung's door to see ask if he wants to eat the dinner I made when I realized it's already open. I decided to look inside and I froze, I couldn't think straight. 

Taehyung was removing his tight  jeans and I saw a hint of Taehyung's ass when he bent down. He was wearing pantie-wait. He was wearing panties?! I quickly covered my eyes and turned around. 

But...my horny ass wanted to see more so I slowly turned around but to my disappointment Taehyung had already covered himself with a large t-shirt that covered his panties. But oh god how I want to mark those milky thighs and- I stopped myself with my lewd thoughts because I don't want to seem like a pervert. 

I decided to go to the living room and watch some TV to distract myself. 

After a few minutes, Taehyung came out wearing only a t-shirt that barely went to his mid-thigh and panties I presume? He wasn't wearing pants?!? 

What Taehyung was wearing:

(a/n: without the bag and drink

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(a/n: without the bag and drink. also imagine it's tae) 

I tried my best not to stare at his bare thighs and decided to ask about dinner. 

"Taehyung, do you want to eat some dinner. I have some leftover for you" I said. 

"Omg thank you so much, I was really hungry" He said with a boxy smile and oh how my hearteu melted with that.

I walked up to the kitchen and started preparing his meal for him. 

"Jungkookie, you don't need to do it for me. I'll do it." He said feeling guilty. 

I denied and told him to wait. "Jungkookiee, at least let me help," he pouted and how can I say no to that. 

I told him to get some sauce from the upper shelf, totally forgetting that he is too short to reach. 

Taehyung's POV

I looked at the upper shelf and tried to open it while tiptoeing but I couldn't reach it so I was about to call Jungkook to help. But I saw Jungkookie working hard on preparing the food and decided to not ask. I tiptoed again and raised my arms as high as I can to reach but I was only able to graze the bottle of sauce pushing it further into the cupboard. 

Jungkook's POV

After a good 2 minutes I realized that Taehyung is too short to reach the upper shelf and turned around to help him. But what I saw made me freeze. 

I stood and watched as my roommate's shirt rode up, exposing more and more of his thigh before a bit of his cheek. Silently I turned back around and secretly started watching Taehyung as he put both of his hands on the edge on the countertop and slid his left leg up until his foot was on the edge of the counter next to his hands. As he pulled himself up on the counter with ease, I bit my lip hard as I got a full view of Taehyung's round and plump ass. He wasn't wearing any underwear and when he got his right knee up on the counter I caught a glimpse of his balls hanging between his legs before his shirt slid down his ass to cover everything once more.

I let out a hard breath. I tried to ignore how tight my pants were starting to feel. Why wasn't Taehyung wearing pants? Why had he just not asked for help? I started thinking when Taehyung interrupted me. 

"Jungkookie, here I got the sauce" Taehyung said as he handed me the sauce. 

I coughed and gave him the meal to eat. Whilst Taehyung was eating he kept moaning into the food and I felt my cock getting harder and harder. I decided I cannot ignore it anymore and excused myself to the bathroom. I finished my job quickly without making much sound and went back to the living room. I decided to ask Taehyung some questions since I was curious about him.  

I went to the living room and sat across Taehyung on the couch. He had finished his meal. 

"Taehyung, I need to ask you something" I said and awed as he looked at me with puppy eyes. 

"Yes, hyung? Also you are my hyung right?" He asked intrigued. 

"I am 23 years old, what about you?" I asked. 

"Then you are my hyung, I am 22 years old" He gave me one of his boxy smiles again. My hearteu cannot handle this. 

"Taehyung-ah, can I ask why you are wearing that?" I asked as I pointed at his outfit. 

"I feel comfortable in this and besides pants and underwear are just a bother to wear. But if you don't like this I'll wear what you want me to, hyung. " He said innocently. 

I gulped. I wonder what if he is innocent and has no idea that what he said just made me kinda hard again? I decided to check. 

I asked him once again, "Taehyung-ah, do you know what fucking is?" I got nervous because if he does know, he will think I am a pervert. 

"Huh? Fucking? What is that? Is that a new game? Can we play?" He asked innocently. And I was just stunned. How can someone be 22 years and not know what fucking is? Hell even a 7 year old know nowadays. I decided to check more. Curiosity getting the best of me. (a/n: you got the best of me~)

"How much knowledge do you have on well um sexual things?" I asked, a bit awkward. 

He blushe- wait. He blushed?! KIYOTAAAAAA I internally screamed. 

"I know that my mom and dad made love to make me. Is there more?" He asked innocently. Batting his eyelashes. 

I was taken back. Does he seriously have no idea? Should I be glad or is that just perverted? I decided to leave things there and check later on. 

Out of the blue. Taehyung asked me, "Hyung, do you trust me?" 

I decided to reply honestly, "Yes hyung trusts you a lot, why did you ask?"

"Jimin and seokjin hyung always told me I shouldn't trust people easily but I trust you because you seem kind and nice. So I wanted to know if you trust me too" He said, feeling a bit embarrassed of the reason. 

I chuckled at that. "Don't worry I trust you a lot" I said reassuring him. 

"Hyung can I sleep with you? I don't like sleeping alone because I feel lonely and scared" He said looking down. 

KIYOTTTAAAA KAWAAAIIIIII (a/n: insert cute in any other language) I internally screamed. "Yes you can Tae, let's sleep on my bed" 

A/n: Omg I didn't realise how long this chapter is hahah. So...I hope you liked this chapter and please dont't be shy in giving me feedback. Tell me do you think the story is going too fast or should I add some more smutty oneshots in ;) What do you think will happen next? Stay healthy and keep smiling. HWAITING. 

my horny roommate (taekook/vkook)Where stories live. Discover now