How you met

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It was your first day working at the Detroit Police Station. You were in Captain Fowler's office with an interview. Fowler had made you work with Lieutenant Hank Anderson and his android partner. You found Hank's desk and greeted yourself to him but he ignored. After that awkwardness, an android that immediately caught your attention as he walks towards you and introduces himself with a handshake. "Hello, my name is Connor, you must be Y/N"
"Oh.. yeah, I am. Nice to meet you too Connor" from there, Connor has been guiding you working for cases and have been getting closer together.

(The reader is an android for Markus) You were standing still with the tite space of your surroundings. You can only see through the glass that was in front of you. You were in the cyber life store that was empty since it was midnight. You had no emotions  or thoughts, all you could do it stand still and look around. Out of no where, a truck ran through the wall. Two androids came out, one of them was a man that came towards you and broke the glass in front of you. He came closer and tapped your shoulder "you are free." You opened your eyes, he opened your eyes. You actually felt emotions and it showed, you were really scared. Markus made sure to let you know everything will be alright and that we will get the freedom we deserve. He introduced himself to you and became by your side from there freeing the other androids.

You were walking down the street of Detroit on a rainy night around 9.00pm. You were heading home after you went for a quick shop when you noticed the corner of your eye was two figures running towards you crossing the road. You turned their direction facing them as they approach you. It was an AX400 android and a little girl holding hands together. The android seemed very desperate as she was begging for help " us, we have no where to go, we just need some place to stay, or money, just anything..please" Most people in Detroit are against androids and in this situation they would just tell them fuck off but you love androids just as much as humans so of course you wanted to help."No worries, everything is okay, you can stay with me and we will figure something out together" she hugged you with no hesitation. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much it means" you hugged back and walk to your home with her and the little girl. "By the way I forgot to say, I'm Y/N, what's your name?" "My name is kara, this here is Alice." Alice smiled and you returned the smile back.

(The reader is an android
for North) You and north known each other for a long time as you two were working in labour for the owner you two had to obey. You two didn't say much to each other as androids with no emotions just obeying the owner. Red flags starting flashing for you when you noticed how harsh the owner became towards North and eventually became abusive. She couldn't live like this anymore, you wanted to do what was best for her. The owner was constantly hurting North when you came to defend for her and knocked him out by hitting him to the floor. North looked devastated from what you did for her. "Y/N...I-" "We can talk later, we need to get out of here" she was to sore to get up so you picked her up Bridal Style and ran away from the house. That's when you two meet Markus and join his group for androids. You and North gain trust in each other and something even more.

This is after the revolution and androids won their freedom. Androids are respected equally as humans now. You were very happy for this statement and wanted to get to know androids more because you never had the chance to. You were heading to work (insert job) and everything was going normal like always til your boss came in the room introducing a new employee that has been hired. It was an android named Simon and you were automatically attracted by his appearance. Cyber life for sure can make hella good looking androids you thought.
Your boss asked if anyone wants to volunteer to show Simon around and you happily volunteered to know this android better as you always wanted to. They just seemed so fascinating to you, and also good looking. You introduced yourself to him in a professional way to shake his hand and he accepted. You then showed him the people that worked there and he was nervous since he was the only android there but everyone loved him. You have been guiding him by his side and slowly growing friendship and trust.

You met kamski as a coworker in creating cyber life and automatically became friends and eventually close and it didn't take long as you two always worked together in creating androids.(sorry it's short)

You worked for kamski as he was your boss and you were an interviewer to androids testing them to pass into the real world. It took many tries after many androids had malfunctions until finally the very first android to pass was the RT600. You gave her questions which were answered  correctly and was very friendly. This was the very first android you had communicated with and the first human she spoke to. You decided to give her the name Chloe. Kamski came in impressed with the results and decided to have Chloe work for him. You actually really liked Chole a lot, and now you work for her.

You were Luther's owner when you got him at the cyber life store. You didn't really give him any work to do, he was more a close friend to you to hang with and eventually close. You loved his company as he is always caring towards you. Everyone was against androids at this time but I was sure to be there for Luther and by his side.

You met Ralph after the revolution of androids becoming free. All humans and androids were heading to the recycling area to free the un-skined androids before they became destroyed. You were helping  the androids into the city when you noticed an un-skined android rocking himself at the corner saying things to himself. You also noticed a blue scar on the side of his face. Poor guy, he must be traumatized. You slowly approach him when he noticed your gaze and began to panic "shh, it's okay. I just wanna help" you eased. He paused in his actions but still shaking "I'm Y/N, What's your name?" You whispered " "R-Ralph.." You gave out your hand gesturing to let him up and he slowly accepted. You made sure to comfort him. From the president's statement, androids are needing homes but for now needing to live with humans so you thought you would bring Ralph home as he seemed scared by himself.


Gavin was your friend's ex that had broken up recently after she cheated on him. You were actually happy for a better chance with him because you had a massive crush on Gavin for months now. You met him by working at the Detroit Police station as partners. You two became close friends but you wanted so much more. After Gavin's break up, he came towards you more often to talk to someone about it and grow trust with each other.
Oh my god..this took hours to do but it was worth it😂 hope you guys enjoy! I will post more preferences very soon💕 its 1:00am 😌😌, stay safe loves 💗

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