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It was you and Connor's 3rd year anniversary of dating. Connor took you to park for something special, the next thing you know, he's down on one knee asking the question.

Markus wanted you to be part of his life forever and chose to ask the question at the front of your door step at home.

It was Christmas time and you and kara went on a cruise ship were you two always spent time together. You decided you ask kara to be part of your life in a beautiful surrounding.

After knowing each other for so long, North decided to spend time with you at your house and pop the question on one knee.

It was your 1 year anniversary with Simon but also your birthday. Simon had gave you a birthday present like he did last year. Except this time the card said, "Will you marry me"

You were at a party with your boyfriend Kamski with a full crowd of friends and other people. Kamski had asked for everyone's attention and asked you the question on one knee.

You were a performer at a party on stage singing a song. After you performed and the audience clapped, Chloe came on stage with you getting everyone's attention and bended on one knee asking the question.

Luther had proposed to you when you came home to a trail of rose pedals leading to your room with Luther on one knee.

You decided you loved Ralph more than a boyfriend and to have him forever in your life. You came to y'alls front door on one knee waiting for Ralph to open the door to ask the question.

Gavin had took you to the beach together the entire day for something special. When it was dark, he took your hand and bent down on the sand asking you the question.

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