Favorite spot of kissing you

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He loves kissing your neck because that's were your most ticklish and he loves hearing your giggles.

Markus loves to give you a peck on your hands and knuckles since he always holds your hands.

Kara loves feeling your lips against hers making it either a long or short kiss.

North would most of the time kiss your nose being cute and adorable with it.

Simon's favorite spot to kiss you is your forehead to give you comfort.

Kamski is obsessed with kissing your ears teasing you with them all the time.

Chloe kissed every random spot on your face at a time showing all her love towards you.

Luther was always a gentle men to you and loved to give you kisses on your palms.

Ralph was very shy when it comes to kissing each other so he prefers kissing your cheek.

Gavin's favorite spot to kiss you is of course, your lips showing that you are his.

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