How they/you asked

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Connor had ask you the question at work on Valentine's day with chocolate, flowers, and a stuffed dog with the help from Hank wanting everything to be perfect.

You were in the medical room recovering from your womb after getting shot on your leg. Markus was there for you making sure to give you comfort. He slowly leaned for a kiss and you leaned forward into the kiss showing you gladly accepted.

It was after the revolution of androids winning their freedom. You wanted to celebrate with Kara by going on a cruise ship because she loves the sea. You felt so connected to her and ask her if she would be part of your life.
She accepted with a kiss."Of course.."

You two were alone together in Jericho talking about the revolution comforting each other when she slowly approaches you and slowly leans for a kiss as you did the same and held hands.

It was your 20th birthday and simon came to work with a mini gift bag that he handed to you and watched you open. It was chocolates and a card that you opened and said "Will you be mine?" With the option to check "yes" or "of course" "this dork" you thought. You checked both with your pen and handed the card back to him earning a warm hug.

He had taken you to dinner on a weekend, you two were heading to the parking lot after eating and he asked you the question to be his (girlfriend/boyfriend) and he was very nervous. You pulled him for a kiss with no hesitation.

You wanted to ask Chloe on a date after you have been close to her for a couple of months. You were nervous but took the risk of asking Chloe to go out as dates and lucky to your surprise, she already planned a date for us to the movies. I'll take that as a yes.

Luther had asked you to be part of his life when it was New Years Eve waiting for countdown for 2039. You and Luther were at a hill watching the fireworks. When the countdown ended, you kissed Luther as your way of saying yes and he kissed back while smiling.

You and Ralph were taking a walk at the park having a deep conversion with each other when Ralph asked the question to be his (girlfriend/boyfriend) and you were so happy and hugged him as he held you and stayed at the park at night watching the stars together.

You and Gavin were at the police station at each others desk spending time together instead of working. He would flirt with you and eventually asked you out.

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